
Hey there... I've got a question. I got a physical last week (my first since losing my first 25 lbs) and was anxious to see my numbers. Everything is good - except my cholesterol. My total cholesterol is 212. Triglycerides 154. HDL 39 and LDL 142. I got the results in the mail, so I couldn't ask my doctor questions. His note says it's abnormal, but not surprising since I have PCOS. How abnormal is it? He's recommending a consult with a nutritionist. I know that losing weight, nutrition and exercise are key to bringing it down... but I'm already doing all of that. ( I'm afraid to know what the numbers were before I changed my lifestyle.) Anyway - any nutritional tips for lowering cholesterol would be very helpful while I'm waiting for insurance to decide if they will approve the nutritionist appointment.


  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    For total cholesterol:
    Less than 200 mg/dL is "Desirable".
    200 - 239 mg/dL is "Borderline"
    Greater than 239 mg/dL is "High"

    For LDL:
    Less than 100 mg/dL is "Desirable"
    130-159 mg/dL is "Borderline"
    160-189 mg/dL is "High"

    For HDL (this is the 'good' kind of cholesterol):
    GREATER than 59 mg/dL is "Desirable"
    40-59 mg/dL is "Borderline"
    Less than 40 mg/dL is "Undesirable"

    For Triglycerides:
    Less than 150 mg/dL is "Desirable"
    150-499 mg/dL is "Borderline"
    Greater than 499 is "Undesirable"

    Losing weight, as you know, is the best thing you can do.

    But you can also increase the amount of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in your diet. Both have been shown to lower cholesterol. Focus more heavily on the monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated will lower BOTH kinds of cholesterol and your HDL is already too low. Monounsaturated fats, supposedly, lower the LDL more than the HDL.

    And lastly... watch your dietary intake of cholesterol. This may or may not be important for you... your body makes its own cholesterol, so there's some evidence that dietary cholesterol just doesn't matter that much, but in some people it does matter and you might be one of those people. It doesn't hurt to reduce your dietary intake as much as possible.

    I don't know of anything else that can lower cholesterol, but this isn't my area of expertise... so... that nutritionist can probably give you better advice when you see him/her.
  • stephenson6

    You may have metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by high cholesterol numbers, high blood pressure, and PCOS to name a few. Though your numbers have improved with eating healthy, the problem is processing carbs. Your body over-releases the fat gain hormone, insulin and your high trigycerides number shows there's excess fat circling around in your blood. I've been following a program called The Metabolism Miracle where I've been able to eliminate my cholesterol and BP meds and lose 50 pounds of FAT since May 2011. The author, Diane Kress, is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. You could check out her books and save the money to see a nutritionist. Check it out at If you are pre-diabetic or type 2, she just came out with a new book, The Diabetes Miracle which is the core Metabolism Miracle program. Just with additional informatation for those with type 2.
  • siouxperwoman
    For me I do the following:

    1. Avoid egg yolks. Highest cholesterol food I usually eat. (and a lot of dairy too: cheeses/milk/yogurt)
    2. Eat Quaker Oats :) I like the squares cereal (brown sugar), and instant oatmeals
    3. Watch labels for cholesterol (the bad kinds)

    OH *** and it might be genetics. It is in my case, but they refuse to give me medication until I have changed my diet and prove that changing my diet will not help.

    Best of luck!!
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    A portion of my job is to measure patients cholesterol and counsel them on whatever the results are. Your numbers really aren't that bad, just slightly off. Here is the best info for you:

    Read this and you'll feel a lot more informed on this issue. Message me with any questions.
  • musicgomy
    I suggest you to see this products for lowering cholesterol (I've got it from my cousin)
    I heard the products from here are very good for combat cholesterol problems.
    I hope this helps.