Wanting to lose 50 pounds..

Hey everyone! Just wanting some tips that youve find actually helpful.
Also, how long would it take me to reach that goal with working out 3 times a week for an hour? I know everyone can get diff results but based on what happened to you etc. what do you think. Thanks. =)


  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    Also, whats this 30 Day Shred people are talking about?
  • colvio
    colvio Posts: 2
    30 day shred is a jillian michaels work out video with increasing levels of difficulty. it's good if you like aerobics but results will depend on diet as well.
  • colvio
    colvio Posts: 2
    It took me about 6 months to lose 50lbs working out every day for about 30 min. I usually ran or did aerobics. my diet was an average of 1700 cal/day with more for exercise. some tips I found useful is not to deprive yourself of anything. I still have ice cream often (actually a dutch chocolate frozen yogurt that is only 90cal a serving) if you're finding it difficult to stay within calories don't add your fruit of veg. weight watchers allows you to have unlimited fruit and veg so I follow that guidline withing reason. slowly make small changes. within a few months I was able to go from two sugars and milk in my coffee to drinking it black. fit in exercise whenever you have time. 10 minutes here and there can make all the difference especially if you don't go to a gym. very your diet so you don't get bored. that's all I can think of for now. good luck with your goals.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    I have lost 40 pounds since October. The way I have done it is to eat wholesome foods Eat the calories I need to keep my body working. Example. I went from eating 3000 calories a day to 2100. Then every 10 pounds I lost I gave up 100 calories. I am creently at 1470 calories. I excerise 1 hour 6 days a week. B doing 3 times a week. It probably take you 6 to 7 months to lose the 50 pounds. Remember you have to burn 3500 calories to burn off 1 pound of fat. I eat 6 times a day. Every 2 to 3 hours. It keeps my stomache full and my glucose level steady which is key for weight loss

    30 day shed. Is a Jillian Michael work out. It can be very difficult for someone who is first starting out. A lot of people will give it up quickly because of the high intensity of the workout. I started out walking 1 mile and worked my way up to 10 miles. I walk 4 times a week and lift weights 2 days a week.

    I hope this is helpful good luck
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    It took me about 6 months to lose 50lbs working out every day for about 30 min. I usually ran or did aerobics. my diet was an average of 1700 cal/day with more for exercise. some tips I found useful is not to deprive yourself of anything. I still have ice cream often (actually a dutch chocolate frozen yogurt that is only 90cal a serving) if you're finding it difficult to stay within calories don't add your fruit of veg. weight watchers allows you to have unlimited fruit and veg so I follow that guidline withing reason. slowly make small changes. within a few months I was able to go from two sugars and milk in my coffee to drinking it black. fit in exercise whenever you have time. 10 minutes here and there can make all the difference especially if you don't go to a gym. very your diet so you don't get bored. that's all I can think of for now. good luck with your goals.
    . I agree. I eat everything within moderation. There is no such thing as a bad food. Key is to use moderation and portion control
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Try to think of it 5 pounds at a time. Just focus on that.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I've lost 20lbs in 6 months. I take my own sweet time, work out about 4 times a week (strength and cardio) and maintain only a small deficit. I eat whatever I want to eat too. It's mostly about finding what you will commit to and sticking to it. You literally decide how long it takes based on what you are willing to do. For me, I can commit to these small changes and I don't mind doing this over a period of time.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    OH- and 30DS is a Jillian Michaels DVD- 30 Day Shred.

    You can make it as hard as you need to make it challenging for you by changing the intensity of your moves. Jillian and her cronies model a low, medium, and high workout. The low was HARD AS HELL to me, but you actually make gains quickly in your ability to keep up.

    People have great results here, and I can imagine that I would too- IF I didn't quit because I hate Jillian's voice and tend to get bored with DVDs easily. Her cardio also tends to make my knees hurt.

    For a quick circuit based workout, it is worth buying. It is cheapest at overstock.com.
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies!
    I will definitely take small steps in achieving my goal.. and I might check out the 30 Day Shred but Im content with going to the gym right now. =)