Just started

Started this diet back the first week of Jan, but didnt have any success until i started using the myfitness app on my iphone on Jan 15th, since then ive lost 8 pounds, but im worried about the loss slowing down, because its started out so rapid and ill get discouraged.


  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race!

    Small but permanent changes will get you to your goal.
  • twilightsm
    twilightsm Posts: 41 Member
    Trust me... even when the scale doesn't show any significant changes, your body will! I was all bummed that I only lost 1 lbs. in a week... but I lost an inch on my hips!
  • It's okay if it slows down :) Progress is more important. Also, Don't weigh yourself all the time! The scale is a vicious backstabber who is a bad measurement of your progress :p

    Add me if you would like :)
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    Don't worry about slowing down. Just keep up tracking what you eat and drinking lots of water. The weight will come off.
  • jake1967
    jake1967 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome.I found that the losses go up and down.Not always consistant so better not to get to hung up on it just keep at it and the improvements will come.I have had weeks where nothing happened on the scale or when more than I expected came off.Good luck.
  • rwsimbulan
    rwsimbulan Posts: 5 Member
    Hello!! I started using this last week too. I love it