But YOU don't need to be on a diet!!



  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Remember we are always here for you the MFP community :)
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Like you, I had always been able to eat what I wanted and not worry about gaining weight -- until the last couple of years. My metabolism slowed down as I got older and the pounds started creeping on. Most people don't even notice that I've gained 15 pounds in the last year. According to many of them, I "look healthy" now. For me, it has been a constant source of irritation.

    I used to tell people I needed to lose a few pounds and they would give me the stink eye. I tried to explain to them that it would be cheaper to lose a few pounds than to buy a whole new wardrobe.

    15 pounds on me is the same as 15 pounds on anyone else. My clothes didn't fit, I felt crappy and uncomfortable in my whole body.

    Then, in early January, my younger sister, who is 40, had a heart attack. And it was a huge wake up call to me. I realized that I needed to eat healthier and do it right away. My sister and I both joined MFP, and although she has a bit more weight to lose than I do, it has helped me tremendously stay focused on a healthier lifestyle!

    I've been using MFP for 15 days now and exercising every day. I don't tell anyone that I'm on a diet or trying to lose weight. I am tired of the comments I'll get. I now tell them that I'm exercising and eating healthy to keep myself healthy and to support my sister with her new lifestyle.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    Firstly, people are rude and should keep their comments to themselves unless they are positive. I've found the following comebacks to be very effective in shutting people up.

    1--Diabetes runs in my family so I don't want to overdo it on the sugar.
    2--My rheumatologist says keeping to the lower end of the normal range on weight is easier on my joints
    3--I have a box of clothes I'd love to be able to wear again and this is what it takes.

    I'm trying not to lie, the strenght that lead us that far (being serious on diet) doesn't worth lying.
    Assuming is sometimes hard, but definitely better :p

    Actually, none of those (for me) are lies. Just meant that I state my real reasons for losing those "vanity pounds"...of course I just want to look better too but people tend to take the health reasons much better.
  • toned_n_curvy
    i get that ALL the time. it annoys me.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    people tell me that all the time! But they dont understand that were are not DIETING! We are making a lifestyle change. People who judge are usually the one that dont do excercise or healthy eating. Im just saying...
  • fit4leyef
    That's exactly what everyone told me when I joined the 90 Day Challenge :)
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    By looking at my pic you can tell that I should be on a diet, but I'm not. I've instead decided to start living a healthier lifestyle and make better food choices. I'm going to have to live this way the rest of my life, not just until I get to my goal weight.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm with you girl. Especially since I've lost weight, I feel like I'm being watched what I eat from time to time.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My wife has a similar attitude. If people can be smug about being heavy, then they can be smug about staying thin.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    This is the very reason why I love MFP because you can achieve your goals w/ the help and support here. It is your personal journey and whatever your goal is as long as you are confident and happy with yourself. Everyone always has their opinions about how they think you should look. Just stick to your goals and stay focused on what you want to achieve. If anyone ask just say it's for my health (that always gets them). No one can get upset about being healthy and strong which we have to do as we get older.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    I get this kind of thing ALL the time! From my friends, the boys that like me, my parents, everyone! "Oh, you don't need to be on a diet! You're beautiful!" Thanks. But I'm dieting so that ////I//// can see it. You know?

    *sigh* So yeah. I know exactly how you feel. If you ever want some support, just friend me or message me.

    Good luck! And remember, we're doing this for US.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not alone on this island lol. I think I will exchange the word "diet" with eating "healthier". Maybe it is just the stereotype of that word. :smile:

    Yep, exactly!!!
  • a_gravley
    Well my thing is I was about 115 before I left for college and a semester and a half later, I'm up to 130. I didn't believe in the freshmen 15 till it actually happened! But when people say I don't need to be on a diet I say I'm not really on a diet, just trying to live a healthier lifestyle- because eating a lunchable and a fake greasy hamburger every single day is what is helping me gain weight and also feel like crap! So yes, I'm working out and eating better and yes I am losing weight. If all I am doing is eating and living a healthier lifestyle the way I'm SUPPOSED to, and I lose weight, then obviously I have weight to lose.
    But I've never had the problem with family telling me I don't need to lose weight, cause my family are the ones who told me I probably need to lose it! "No, I'm not saying your fat!! You just look like you've put on a little bit of weight and need to get more fit. That's all I'm saying!" That is how my mom told me that some of my clothes are getting a little to tight and I either need to go up a size or lose 10 pounds. I chose to go on a "diet," work out more, and stop eating gross junk that I always eat! I already feel so much better!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I'm here with you :). I'm in the completely normal weight range for my height/age/ect. but would like to be more fit and tone up. I don't think I've ever mentioned it to anyone, but I've found I get hated on my friends at birthdays and things for not eating the cake. The only thing other people have noticed is my increse in exersice, which they only really know about i because it'd been brought up in a conversation or something every now and then. I really know how you feel, the whole "You're not fat! You don't need to watch what you eat." really annoys me. Don't they realise that if I wasn't eating/living this way I would be 'fat'?

    totally agree with you about the cake, pie, candy, sweets. all of these are huge binge triggers for me and eating them, even in moderation can be really bad - for me! not saying it is for them and they can't handle it, but it is for me. some people don't understand that this is the reason i just don't eat that stuff. sometimes i think they are trying to make themselves feel better about eating it. or they just don't get it. it is a lifestyle. i know i have to stick to this if i want to look like this. otherwise i will just look like i did before.
  • Texican4life
    I have had a gut since 3rd grade and I'm 41. At my worst, I hit 250# for my 5'9". I was taking MMA training for a while with my brother and hovered around 208#. When I started P90X 2 years ago in April, I was 218#. I did the cals wrong, so I never got below 200, even though I only missed 3 days in 13 weeks.

    Last year I talked to a trainer at the gym and he told me what to do with my cardio and I tell you the weight FELL off. I dropped down to 176# and that's where it stopped. I can't tell you the complements I got, although I still had the gut hanging over my belt. Surprisingly, most of the complements were from guys. I had one woman at work who is quite overweight tell me I looked like I was on crack.

    I still found it very aggravating because I had/have definition in my arms and legs with a gut that hangs over my belt. Work has become too much the last few months and by the time I get off I'm too tired to exercise so I have put on about 15#. I feel like I need to lose at least 30# at 190, but anyone I mention it to tells me I'm not fat. My thought is always "you haven't seen me naked".

    edit: my profile pic is me at 176# sucking it in.
  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member
    thats how i am too and people make comments all the time. I try not to focus on a number but on what i do to workout, how my clothes fit and how toned and trim i get. We want our bodies back but just losing weight in general wont get that muscle toning that we want. I try to get a good balance of nutrition and workout. Yes i also hate how people assume that you're weird for not chowing down on every sugary, fatty thing that passes you by just so you can be healthy. I personally dont even like cake and dont think its worth the calories. People think that is weird. But I wouldn't be healthy or look "thin" as they say if I didn't take concern over what I eat and how I live.