New to calorie counting and not seeing results!

Hi all, my name is maiellanane and i am 180lbs my goal wieght is 150lbs so am hoping to lose 30lbs. I have recently started working out, last week, i did five days of about 30mins work out and kept an eye on wat i was eating. i tried to eat about 1340cals as recomended have checked my weight and i am still the same. Can some one explain to me how it works how many calories i should eat if i exercise, it all a bit confusing?:cry:


  • NikkiP80
    How fast you want to lose weight will determine how many calories you consume. Did you complete the questionnaire to set up your profile? It gives a pretty good guide to start off with about how many calories you need to consume each day, given your lifestyle and weightloss goals?

    How many calories do you burn in your work-outs? I only eat some of my exercise calories, and you will find it a hot topic on the message boards. It depends on what intensity I've done a work out at. Sometimes, if its just a walk or a swim I won't even count it as exercise because I don't burn many calories by doing it.

    I'm a bit heavier than you are, and I tend to consume around 1300-1400 calories daily and burn an additional 400-500 calories per day that I don't consume. That makes me lose around 0.5-1kg (1-2lbs) per week.

    Also, if you are new to this remember to put everything you eat and drink in --- some things you think may not have many calories actually do have heaps. And drink heaps of water, it can really help.

    Good luck, let us know how you go next week.
  • maiellanane
    maiellanane Posts: 6 Member
    i burn a minimum of 300cal, i want to lose it slowly similar to you. i had not paid attention to the fact that my calories change when i enier my exersise. thank you for help.