Help - Food Binge!

Hello people! So I've just started this plan to not only loose weight and tone up but make it part of my lifestyle to be generally more healthy.

So far I go to the gym for about 1hour 3 times a week. I suffered a slight injury to my tricep on my left arm, it swelled up pretty big and incured some nasty bruising which has now gone a distasteful yellow colour - I'm told this may have been the result of a slight muscel tare? Anyway, I am not letting this hinder my gyming sessions!

However, my diet is all over the place! I start out well most days, with a fruit smoothie, make myself a salad lunch and then I always find a way to ruin it. For example yesterday I demolished a whole tube of prawn cocktail pringles, for no other reason then I could! I was full by about half way but I didn't want to not eat it and let it go to waste so I surged on - coincidently waking up with a dry and tender mouth (I guess too many food flavourings).

So this is my request! How do I break myself from this habbit to binge on something completely ridiculous after a whole day of success? What could I do to break myself from this habbit?


  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    You've just started. Take small steps. You'll get used to it and it'll be come second nature. My food intake wasn't so great when I started too. Eventually you'll learn to make smarter choices and what those smarter choices are.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I'd get rid of the temptations. I used to be exactly the same. I'd start the day out perfect, eating exactly as I should, totally motivated and everything. Then come 3pm I feel as though I'm ravenous when I'm NOT. So when the only thing to eat is healthy, I usually pass it over.

    Also, try pre-logging your food the day before. I spend a few minutes before bed each night plotting out what I'm going to eat the next day so I'm never hunting for food. I just go to the kitchen and grab what I already logged. I even leave room to have snacks in case I'm hungrier than I thought I'd be.
  • kirstand
    i find trying not to have bad foods (ie: large packets of crisps, biscuits, chocolates, etc...) in the house at all, as it's very tempting to eat the whole packet rather than the recommended serving size...easier said than done if you are not the only person in the house though! sometimes buying in smaller packs (if you really like a treat) can help prevent you eating too much.
    i try drinking a lot of tea or chew gum when i think im going to over-indulge...or get away from the fridge by going outside if i can.
    it's hard one to answer...hopefully other people will have some good ideas too.
    good luck and look at the positives!:happy:
  • Celiamariec
    I've done this plenty of times. Try guzzling some water when the urge hits. Also, try eating more filling foods for your meals. Like the previous poster said, avoid temptation.
  • hmartyka
    As all the rest say try avoiding buying these types of treats. I have battled with my weight for years and I certainly know by past experience that it's best not to have things in the cupboard. I veg out in front of the tv at nights and around 8.30-9.00 I start thinking about food, I am slowly training myself to switch off the brain, but if it gets the better of me I will make myself a coffee made with milk and that tends to take the craving away. If I don't have the calorie allowance then I drink more water this also does the trick for me.
    I have only just started this plan, but I sure for you as for me things will get easier along the way of luck to you.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Sometimes I try to just stop.. Turn off the TV, radio, iPad, or whatever.. and I simply think hard about what I'm doing. These days it is really easy to get sidetracked and lose focus... I find if I really stop, maybe to be super corny- look at myself in the mirror, and ask myself if I need what I'm holding... when I take the time to step away and ask myself if it is something I really want to do, my strength often surprises me. You can do it!! If this fails me.. I put it down and tell myself that if I'm still desperate for a Pringle in an hour.. then I will bless my life with 5...
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Good idea!! But also remember.. when you chew gum you swallow air (same goes for soda), and this can make you look bloated... and needless to say, gassy. :)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough during the day and that's causing you to binge later on. I know if I have only fruit and salad during the day I could eat a horse in the evening and often end up blowing it!
    If I have more filling stuff during the day I'm not so bad later on. Try and have something filling that you also enjoy for breakfast and lunch so you're not craving or hungry later.
    Also, I avoid having the 'bad' stuff in the house or I'll be tempted to binge.
    Good luck x
  • Daxiacat
    Wow! Some fantastic responses and everyone is so understanding and helpful!

    I could blame how I have a much younger sibling in the house with a candy draw which seems to scream my name continuously, but the guilt side is they are HIS treats and they really don't look good on me, nor do they taste that great..

    I am encouraged and motivated! I can see how I am possibly eating not very filling foods during the day, perhaps I'll add some pasta to create a pasta salad, that should fill me up more.

    It's all well and good saying these things the next is doing them!

    Good luck to all of you new starts and longtimers too!