Weights and Toning Exercises....Pls Help

Hi guys, I am wondering if anyone can give me an idea of an exercise plan I can start that really concentrates on arms/shoulders/upper back etc. Now I have a weight to lose but I am working very hard in the gym to lose weight as well as watching my calorie intake. On an average week I do the 30DS daily and a mix of cardio and strength training every night in the gym. I also swim a few times a week and walk my dogs for 20 odd mins every night. I also started the C25K on the threadmill last night. I am feeling really motivated and want to give this my absolute ALL between now and the summer!!!

So any workout ideas please for my arms and upper body (I have a good size chest!!!) and also an ab plan!

Cheers :0)


  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    No-one? :0(

    I could google, I suppose.
  • This may sound conterproductive, but trust me it works, lift weights to build muscle and burn the fat.
  • cjp87
    cjp87 Posts: 2 Member
    Especially if you are new to lifting I would suggest paying for a couple lessons from a trainer at your gym just to get you started - good form is so important when lifting, both to get the best results and also to keep from hurting yourself. All you would need is maybe one or two sessions to learn the basics and it sounds like you're definitely motivated :) Weight training gives amazing results and also helps maintain bone density as we get older, always a plus!