Advice on training for a 10k run

Hi all,

I've signed up to do a 10k run in July, and I'm looking for some training advice!

I've run 5k races a few times in about 31-35 minutes, but the last one I did was in July 2010, so quite some time ago!!

I'm just wondering what the best way to train is, as I want to build myself up to it properly rather than going in head first kind of thing!

Any help much appreciated! x


  • Meraai82
    Meraai82 Posts: 9 Member
    Go have a look on Shape or Runner's World magazine's websites...they've got 10km Challenges that gives you a week to week training guide to run 10k in 12 weeks time or something.n You start off slow (it almost seems boring) and they work it up to 10km's. Some cross training and walking also included.
  • There are loads of 10K training programs on the web. I use one from Hal Higdon. Just google his name. On his site there will be a menu near the top for training....From there you should see TONS of training programs. If this is your first 10K, the novice program will ease you in. It's 8 weeks long.

    I'm using this for my 10K in April, and I'll also use his site for my 1/2 M. in November.

    Good luck!!

    answer the questions and it will design you a simple and effective program.

    If you can run 3 miles (5 K) you can already run 6 miles (10K)

    The rest is mental.

    but 30 minutes non stop or 3 miles is a failry quick progression to a 6.

    most people overpace themselves and tire out after 3 or 4 miles, if you slow your pace right down you will be surprised how far you can go and then all of a sudden then shorter distances come faster and then so do the longer ones

    and with a body like yours just run in front of me, i will be chasing ya...LOL
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for your help everyone, I'm gonna check out some of those websites now! :-) xx
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Couch 25K has a Bridge 210k program. I didn't like it much though, since I felt like it was working backwards a bit, but it gets you there.
  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    A lot of great advice already posted.

    My one comment is to build up your weekly mileage by no more than 10% increases. That is a general rule of thumb recommended by a lot of beginner training programs.