3rd Time Lucky

eresin Posts: 104 Member
Hi All,

Well here I am for the 3rd time, having reached my heaviest of 12stone. At 5 foot 3inch tall it doesn't look good on me.

I have signed up to run 2 10k's this year. The womens 10k in May and the Great Scottish Run in September. I did the Race for Life 5k last year which was my first ever run and then I did the Great Scottish Run 10k in September last year but I haven't done anything since then.

The past 2 times I tried MFP I stuck to my calorie goals, I did my exercise but nothing happened. I gave up. The 2nd time I tried, again sticking to calorie goals and exercising/training for my runs, I put on weight which discouraged me so much that I quit again.

I really don't know how else to lose the weight. I have been to doctors and there is nothing wrong with thyroid etc. So I really really need support to stay on track because I'm not sure how to do this anymore.

Thanks for reading



  • sshetland
    sshetland Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Fi! Welcome back :) I started using MFP about 3 weeks ago. Weight loss isn't always easy and it takes patience, and I guess that's what is so good about finding other people to share the journey with.

    I'm also 5'3" and am currently 11 st 6. I exercise a lot using the Insanity workout programme and it's really changing my body for the better. Although weight loss itself is coming along slowly, time is going to pass anyway so we may as well go with it, slow and steady weight losses.

    I think a bit of re-education whenever we come back to dieting is always a good thing. Be sure to eat plenty of the right things, and for exercises combine cardio with weight training. With the right fuel, great things will happen.

    Good luck, looking forward to keeping in touch :)