how long into your weight loss did you start noticing a chan

ive been doing it for 20 days but still dont see a change . ive been doing the 30 day shred , i lost a few lbs the first few weeks but now i dont see any change and its kind of making me give up a little bit .


  • EatWholeFoods
    EatWholeFoods Posts: 174 Member
    It took me 2-3 months, but it was worth it and I dropped the lbs after those months. I gradually started increasing my work out time and/or calories burned each week.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    i would imagine that your body is alot firmer and tighter than you are allowing your self to notice! hang in there!
    30DS rocks! (Jillian's 6 week 6 pack Ab is a killer workout too).
    Good luck!
  • If you are doing 30 DS then you are building muscle and they are holding onto water to recover. Don't give up!! If I were you I would measure myself and then measure again in a few weeks and I bet you will see the difference! Good luck!!
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    Keep in mind that you see yourself every day. You see yourself change. I lost 70 lbs and I saw NO change in my figure, but people who saw me a few days a week or hadn't seen me in months were making comments to friends/family about it.

    Just know that anything you do today is making a change to yourself for the future.

    You may not notice the changes but I guarantee that it's there.
  • hbkanumalla
    hbkanumalla Posts: 61 Member
    Although the scale might night be moving, also make sure that you're checking your measurements. I've noticed that although the scale has gone down slow and steady, I've lost inches almost everywhere (4 inches alone on my waistline!). Don't get too focused on the scale itself. Another way to gauge is how your clothes fit and if you notice your body becoming more toned.

    Keep it up! It takes time :)
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    A wiser person then me told me when I posted the same question about 30 days into my journey:

    "I didn't put it on in a month. I won't see it fall off in a month"

    Its about determination. Don't give up. We are here for you ^.^

    LIke digital says. I still don't see the change in my own body, but at christmas time my entire family was baffled by the 20 pds I had lost. Had all sorts of questions how I had done it.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I've been doing 30 DS and am on day 15 and have only lost 1 pound. It's very discouraging! I feel your pain. I think maybe I'm not doing enough cardio. If more cardio doesn't work, I'm going to stop eating my exercise calories. Stick with it. Its a tough series. It must be doing something beneficial.
  • LadyZini
    LadyZini Posts: 13 Member
    I started power walking in September, but I was not really paying any attention to what I was eating. When I started logging about 90% of what I eat, and trying my best to stay within range, I started seeing results after 4-6 weeks.

    The scale had not moved much, but I'm losing inches and my clothes are fitting better.

    Don't give up, tell yourself you will complete the 30 days, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • thank you everyone . i had a before picture of the 30 dayshred and its been a week today that ive started it so i took a picture and my belly seems a bit more tonned, thank you for all your support i guess im expecting to loss weight a bit too fast