Those who EAT CLEAN & WEIGHT TRAIN, question!



  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    I doubt it could happen THAT fast, but yesterday I was STARVING all day so I ate. Ate clean, but ate more and often and got in some addt'l fats (EVOO, walnuts, fish, etc..) and adjusted my custom goals back to 40/30/30. I met my calorie goal of 1800 for the day. Low & behold, I was down 2lbs on the scale this AM. Either way looks like my body just needed a switch up and here's to some more calories & healthy fats!!!

    Not sure if you actually read the article I linked to on "clean eating" but you should. After that, google the author. The man knows what he's talking about. Basically, don't get all hung up on "clean", whatever the current definition of that might be. Focus on your macros.