Exercise calories

Another question here...If I workout and it says I earned X calories from the workout, should I be eating those calories? I have been eating them, leaving some leftover to account for error but the weight is coming off SO SLOW and this week, I lost NOTHING! I am thinking I need to only eat the 1200 calories AND exercise everyday...depressing:)!


  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    If you're only eating 1,200 calories and burning 200+ in exercise and you don't eat them back, then your net calories will be below 1,000, which is known as starvation mode. You never want to go below 1,200 calories. I suggest you eat more to boost your metabolism.
  • shaynawess
    Thanks. It just seems when I eat 1200 NET calories...I don't lose any weight. I am just having a hard time finding that sweet spot:)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    is it ToM? how is your sodium and water intake? have you started a new exercise routine recently? all these things can contribute to the scale not moving. its more than likely water weight that will come off soon.
    try to stick with your routine and intake for at least 2 weeks (if not a month) before deciding to switch things up - it takes time for the body to adjust sometimes :)
    if you have been eating at 1200 for a while and not losing then you might want to consider upping your calories. is your loss-per-week set for 2 lbs? you might want to change it to 1 lb - (2/week is really only meant for people with more than 75 lbs to lose).