Question for a.m. exercisers

I'm trying to get into the routine of exercising in the mornings which really isn't something I've ever done before. My question is when do all you morning exercisers find is the best time to eat breakfast? This morning I ate a banana and had a glass of water before working out and then threw it up about 20 minutes after my workout. I thought it would be good to have at least something on my stomach. I'm in relatively decent shape and I've never thrown up after a workout before. Would I be better off eating after exercising? Any opinions would be helpful, thanks!


  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I work out in the morning and I have to eat after my work out, like you, if I eat before I'll throw it all up... Or I'll have to go at a slow enough pace to keep it down... which I don't feel gives me a great work out.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I typically eat after my workout, just because I am NOT a morning person and I'm not hungry at 5:30 in the morning. Sometimes though I will eat something light (a small handful of almonds, half a sweet potato).
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    what exactly are you doing in your workout? I normally don't eat before morning workouts in the week. On the weekend, I will as I am often going longer than 1 or 2 hrs.
  • MISSMILL3405
    MISSMILL3405 Posts: 23 Member
    I have been working out in the morning for about 4 weeks now. I always eat AFTER my workout. However, I do get up and drink a full glass of ice water before I start. There are a ton of studies. Some say you should eat before and and others that say you should eat after. I just like the idea of getting my metabolism working before my day really starts. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I eat breakfast every morning before my workout. I obviously wait about 45 minutes after I ate but then I go workout. I also have a snack after.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    A lot of people don’t like to work out on a full stomach for it makes them sick. But if you find yourself needing a little something a light snack I would suggest. For me I drink my water mostly for it fills me up along with my work out drink. Then when I am all done I mix up a healthy Smoothie
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    If i plan on just doing cardio i eat after. but if i plan on doing some weight training along with the cardio i make sure to eat something at least a half hour before so that i have the extra cals and energy to get through. like today i had a smal PB&J sandwich about an hour before i worked out.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I eat after. If I ate before and waited 45 minutes I'd have to get up that much earlier! 6am comes early enough for me!
  • JudyPMorg
    A little water before I exercise, water during exercise. Cup of coffee afterwards, breakfast later. I haven't been able to eat before working out. Do what works for you.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It depends on what kind of exercise you are doing. On my shorter runs, I only have a cup of coffee and eat after my run. On my longer runs (over an hour), I will have a banana and a cup of coffee before my run and then eat something more substantial after my run. When I do my really long slow runs, I have a little bit more to keep me sustained.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I eat breakfast way later. I do, however, chug a cup of coffee before my workout, and I do drink water. It's never bothered my stomach but I know many folks would have an issue with getting nauseous from the coffee.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I think it's an individual thing. I used to exercise on empty but found myself feeling lightheaded, however, when I was doing c25k, I had no problems about setting out straightaway for a run then coming back and eating. For other exercise, I have my breakfast, allow it to settle, and then workout. Like I said, I think it's an individual thing!
  • bciochetti
    Before and After.
    Up at 5 and have cereal and a pre-workout supplement.
    Gym from 530-645ish.
    Back home for 7 and have a protein shake and a banana.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I get up, workout, get ready for the day and drive to work. I don't eat until I'm at my desk (often coffee and oatmeal), which is usually 3 hours after I first wake up. It may not be the best habit, but I can't stomach anything before a workout and I don't have enough time immediately afterward.

    By the way, In the group section, we had an Early Bird Club for those who want to encourage one another on their morning workouts. No one seems to be posting anymore, but if anyone new would like to join that would be great!
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Lots of good advice here. Thanks everyone!
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I don't eat in the mornings before I work out DEPENDING on the workout. If I do a very high intensity workout, I will eat something small like a yogurt and half a banana, so I won't get dizzy in the middle of the workout. But typically I do not eat before a morning workout.
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I can only stomach water before a work out:yawn:
  • kimdoeshair
    I have a protien smoothie with 1/2 a banana before I work out. I always wait an hour after my smoothie to do my workout. If I was going to work out earlier than 9 I would work out first. Puking is bad.
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    I eat after I work out. Start about 7:15 every morning. The P90X routine i do stipulates that you shouldn't eat at least an hour before you work out so I always eat after. I think if you eat right before you could get sick or light headed. I know that if I eat before I go for a run, after a mile into it I am feeling very light headed and weak. Hope this helps.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    On the days I do work in the AM I stop eating by 5AM. Gives me 2 hours before I get off work. I made a mistake of excercising too soon after eating and the end result wasn't pretty