What is wrong with me!?

Okay, first of all, I know I should go to a doctor and I plan on it soon, BUT I wanted to hear from you guys also to see if maybe anyone else has ever experienced this. About 2 years ago, I fainted. I was about 3 months pregnant with my second child. I wasn't overheated or anything like that and my blood pressure has always been normal. I didn't get it checked out because I assumed it was because I hadn't had any breakfast that day and I was pregnant. I can only say that it was a pretty scary feeling and I hated the way I felt right before it happened. I felt a little nauseated and tingly all over and then all the sudden, nothing. Luckily my sister and my father was there with me. ANYWAY. Ever since that day I have been SO paranoid about fainting again. If I even feel the slightest bit queesy or lightheaded, my mind freaks out because I am scared to pass out again. I will be walking around the store and just have a thought "what if I pass out here, with my two kids, and no one is here to help me" I will leave the store or wherever I am because I am freaked about it!! I know this is so silly but it's a true fear of mine. Another thing that has been bothering me lately is I have been having mild headaches for about two weeks and it hurts right behind my eyes. I work in front of a computer every day and have been for the past 11 years, so i don't know if it's just strain or what, BUT there my mind goes again, freaking out that it's something more serious, and I am afraid I am actually causing the headaches now! In fact, I worry about tons of stuff now, I have horrible thoughts of doom and despair (not all the time, but sometimes) I am not depressed, I just feel paranoid! I know this is long, but if anyone out there has ever dealt with panic or anxiety, can you please tell me if this might be what's wrong with me! I hope to make a Dr. appointment soon (even though that freaks me out too) Sheesh! Thanks guys!


  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    A close friend of mine is on medication for anxiety because she suffered for years with feelings of gloom and doom. She would be at work and all of a sudden get this deep feeling like something was going to happen....it would be so real to her that she would actually start crying. Once she started taking medication, it stopped and she said that she never knew what "normal" felt like.

    Go see your doctor............good luck!