eek, I don't think I'm doing this right!

Hi all,

I joined about 4 weeks ago, have been tracking calories and using about 1200 cals on days I don't do exercise, then maybe 1400 on the days I do... I exercise about 4 times a week... but I've only lost 3lbs. I'm 5'5 and 140lbs.

I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks and thought this would be a good way of losing some pounds before going away rather than doing a slimfast or fad diet. It doesn't seem to be working though - what am I doing wrong?!?!



  • Hiya hun, not sure what advice to give as your diary isn't open so can't see what your eating!! It all depends on the kind of things your eating for your 1200 cals and what kind of exercise your doing :-) add me if you like!!
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    Best way to lose is to stick to the 1200 wether you're exercising or not, that way you'll get the benefit of the exercise
  • chelleann777
    chelleann777 Posts: 94 Member
    Being 5'5 and 140 it doesn't seem like you have a lot to lose. It's always the last few pounds that are the hardest. Considering about a pound of week is normal when counting calories, it sounds like you are on track, but look at what you'r eating and what exercises you are doing. You could be gaining muscle weight, so it is off-setting your weight loss. Sorry if this doesn't help. Good luck and just don't give up!
  • I can only advise what I would do in this circumstance and I'm sure not everyone would agree with me but if you want to shift these last few pounds this is what I'd do:

    Stop eating white bread/rice/pasta - this made a massive difference to me so I always try and eat wholegrain foods

    More substance for breakfast - most important meal of the day!! Not as much cereal and more bacon, eggs, oats etc the Cheerios have so much added sugar

    Snacks - Personally my biggest downfall for me, I have to plan in advance everyday some snacks - cut out the little nibbles of chocolate/biscuits etc and have some fruit and lay off the fizzy drinks - even though they are zero there just full of rubbish and E numbers

    Hope you don't think I'm being hard but this is what I'd do to shift those last few pounds then maintain your weight by exercising regularly!!

    Donna x