Toning Suggestions

I have been on fitness pal off and on for awhile now I would Love to stay commited everyday! I am at a good weight right now I just want to be toned my problem areas are my thighs and stomach any suggestions on how to target those best would be Awesome:)


  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    squats, lunges, planks, crunches, etc for working those areas. But you can't really spot reduce, if you have fat in those areas you just need to burn calories. Running has done wonders for toning my legs. Godd luck!
  • brittneybrown
    We should plan a night and get together and do a workout routine weekly!! I can bring my Wii Biggest Loser game over. That is a workout to do!!! I just need the motivation of doing it and you can help me do that and at the same time you can tone up too!:smooched: