Annoyed not-so-newbie.

12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
I am frustrated. Since kicking up my cardio (running, doing interval workouts) and lifting occasionally, I have gained 3 pounds. So now, not only had I lost 1 pound 2 months, but I've also put 3 back on. Don't say it's muscle, because I just don't think that's true. I am fairly muscular, but I don't think I can GAIN muscle that quickly....especially since I've really been doing the cardio.

I am not cheating. I am "tricking" my body with different workouts. I am eating good foods for the most part. I am drinking LOTS of water. I am just annoyed right now. I have lost 25 (oops, just kidding, +3, so 22) pounds total since at my highest weight. Kept it off. I know I'm whining. It's just getting to me this morning. I have people tell me all the time, you want to lose 13 more pounds?! In shock. But they don't know my body like I do.

BLAHHHH. Just on of those days I guess. Here's my food journal from yesterday. (I know I could have done without the sour patch kids....) CRITIQUE ME!



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I am frustrated. Since kicking up my cardio (running, doing interval workouts) and lifting occasionally, I have gained 3 pounds. So now, not only had I lost 1 pound 2 months, but I've also put 3 back on. Don't say it's muscle, because I just don't think that's true. I am fairly muscular, but I don't think I can GAIN muscle that quickly....especially since I've really been doing the cardio.

    I am not cheating. I am "tricking" my body with different workouts. I am eating good foods for the most part. I am drinking LOTS of water. I am just annoyed right now. I have lost 25 (oops, just kidding, +3, so 22) pounds total since at my highest weight. Kept it off. I know I'm whining. It's just getting to me this morning. I have people tell me all the time, you want to lose 13 more pounds?! In shock. But they don't know my body like I do.

    BLAHHHH. Just on of those days I guess. Here's my food journal from yesterday. (I know I could have done without the sour patch kids....) CRITIQUE ME!

  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    May I say first that your arms are HOT and I'm incredibly jealous? Even at my goal weight I don't know if mine will look that good ...

    That said ... and I am NOT an expert, but some feedback is better than none :wink: ...

    Maybe less bread, more veggies and eat a little more of your workout calories? I know when I'm stuck (there now!), I tend to skimp on my calories ... but maybe that'll help. But now the floor is open to those who actually know what they're talking about :smile:

    Good luck and you're doing great!!
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    hey 12, i think your menu looks great! it's makin me hungray!

    well, you look like your doing well with your eating, so bravo with that! i might suggest leaving out the the sea/table salt since you're so close to 2500 mg a day, or maybe even try to lower your intake by maybe 500mg for a few days and see how your body reacts? i personally think you're fine, but some people react to salt so differently...also, are you taking birth control or are two weeks away from or just about to start your cycle? those little things affect my weight like nothing else can...

    since you are muscular, maybe you are more prone to gaining the muscle weight and i know you are aware that most people initially gain weight in the form of muscle before your body starts eliminating the fat, but i wasn't aware of this until a few weeks ago: when you start upping your workouts and get that "sore muscles" feeling, your muscles retain more water sometimes by 10%! plus, by working out more, like massage, can cause your body to prouduce more red and white blood cells, and that's definitely some heavy stuff! during rest, muscles only take up 1/4 of the blood supply while they take up 1/2 of the body's weight! crazy!

    anyhow, you'll get there! don't stress too much dear b/c stress can cause you to put on some of the weight too, maybe get a nice meditation cd, take a saline bath, or get a massage! don't you think you deserve it after losing 22 pounds?:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I at first thought I'd leave this for an expert to. Then thought I'd give you my none expert thoughts.

    I would change the bread to something else. I like the brownberry double fiber. It is more calories than the sara lee but since you have extra you might as well put them to work for you.

    The kraft American cheese slice. It's low cal but really just sodium. You aren't getting any protein for it. I'd try a slice of real cheese or more laughing cow. Again, more calories but you had them to use.

    I would also add in more meat/protein. The slice of FF bologna hardly counts for anything. So that only leaves you eating 4oz of chicken for the day. If you're pressed for time on a day off cook up a few chicken breasts to have on hand. They can be easily warmed and used for sandwiches, in salad or with some vegies and a sweet potato.

    If the sour patch kids keep you happy & not feeling like you are on a diet and hate it keep them. I allow myself 6 dark chocolate kisses a day. I don't always eat them all but most days I do.

    362 left over would be lots for me. I'd try to add them in throughout your day. Maybe not look so much for low cal, low fat.
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    I have found when im not losing any i kick up my calories every other day for a few and that usually kicks my metabolism in gear and i end up dropping weight. Just a suggestion. :flowerforyou:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Maybe cut the carbs down and do what above posters said; increase the protein. Especially if you're working out as much as you mentioned...

    Are you hungry even though you eat small meals?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    your menu looks good but I would cut some of the cheese and carbs...the cheese is very high sodium and will cause you to retain.:drinker: Good luck and congrats on your success
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    First of all, thanks so much for all of your input! I appreciate each of you taking the time to reply.

    Keiko, I have thought about getting different bread. I will have to give that a try. That stinkin' bologna and cheese was a quick snack after work before running and I didn't even realize the sodium! Ugh. Thanks for pointing that out.

    M, some days I do feel hungry....and usually it's on my rest days with no working out. Apparently, exercise is an appetite supressant for me. Definitely not yesterday though. I really shouldn't have even eaten the Kashi in the evening.

    I am going to try to cut down the carbs a bit. How much do you think I should be eating a day? I'm 5'7", 166 (now, RAR!)...running 3-6 miles a day. I have a hard time not eating fruit. It's my "go-to clean snack". :frown:

    As far as eating my exercise calories, I don't have an HRM yet. So for now, I am checking my HR throughout my workout for an average. Then using a website that accounts for my age, sex, weight, and HR per minute. And even then, I usually knock off some calories burned...I just don't want to overeastimate.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Really, at your activity level, the carbs are not high. You can cut down a bit, but to fuel all the running, cardio, etc..., you need a steady flow of good carbs, otherwise you will not have enough glycogen stored..thus the dreaded BONK. Play around with different combinations to see what works best for YOU.

    PS- I think your sodium intake could have something to do with the weight gain, just noticed that...
  • meeks122
    meeks122 Posts: 1 Member
    I would cut out some of that sodium. You're probably retaining a lot of water. Also, try to cut out some of that sugar.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Sugar and Sodium are two things that I've been cursing lately.
    The thing with the sugar is the same thing with the carbs. My fruit.
    Stupid sodium. I need to work on that, definitely.

    I'll give it a try though.

    ps - kristin, thanks for the compliment on my arms! :heart: I still have some flabby on the underside that I'm working on. :grumble:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Unless you normally eat more fruit than this I would not worry about cutting it out. One banana and one orange in a day is not too much. I usually have two fruits and sometimes 3 in a day.

    Like others have said don't cut your carbs to much. You need those for the running. But try and get them from whole grains, vegies. Even pasta in a normal serving size can be a good carb. Have it with a tomato sauce with lots of vegies & chicken. I like chicken cacciatore and add in extra vegies.
    Quinoa is another good one and it has protein in it.

    Brownberry also has a whole grain bread that is double protein. If you'd rather get more protein than fiber. I sometimes switch between the two.