I have tried several times to quit smoking with no luck. I've tried cold turkey, patch, gum and just cant stay quit!!!! I've heard chantix works but im afraid it will make me crazy, I've heard horror stories too. What has worked for you?


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have tried several times to quit smoking with no luck. I've tried cold turkey, patch, gum and just cant stay quit!!!! I've heard chantix works but im afraid it will make me crazy, I've heard horror stories too. What has worked for you?

    First things first... do not go by what other people think or read when it comes to Chantix ... alot of people out there tend to get hung up on the reading material FIRST before they ever take the treatment....

    Yes, there are articles indicating some people have had adverse reactions..... but there are so many more who have had the minor reactions or none......

    The best thing I can tell you... if you are considering learning more about Chantix (or any prescriptive treatments), always talk with your doctor first.... Your doctor will have your full and complete medical history right there for review and is the ONLY person who can determine if Chantix is right for you.....

    I know of plenty of people who did wonderfully and only had the minimum reaction (*nausea)....
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    Although I cannot give any advice about chantix or smoking, I wanted to say good luck to you. I know its hard but the health benefits are your reward =) I have moderate asthma due to second hand smoke and my mother and father both died from lung cancer. Hope you find some great advice from someone who's been on chantix. YOU CAN DO IT :flowerforyou:
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    I quit using Chantix and had no issues. I had some very vivid dreams for about a week (at about week 2 of taking it) but then they went away. I smoked on it the first 4 days, after that I had no desire to smoke.
    However, people are different and have had friends that had more drastic side effects and had to stop taking it. I've also heard that there can be some reactions if you are also taking other prescription meds.
    Next month will be 3 years smoke free.
    Talk to your doctor, he/she should be able to answer your questions.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    i quit smoking saturday. I did it with the electronic cigarette. I need that motion and yes, a little nicotine. I would like to wean myself gradually down to 0 nicotine, but for now I'm gonna be at medium for a while.
    Vaping seems to be working well for me!
    Best of luck to you!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have tried several times to quit smoking with no luck. I've tried cold turkey, patch, gum and just cant stay quit!!!! I've heard chantix works but im afraid it will make me crazy, I've heard horror stories too. What has worked for you?
    Just wean down for 2 weeks, then quit cold turkey.
    Smoking is the single worse thing you can do to ruin your health as you are aware.
    And it'll be the hardest addiction to break, so be ready for some painful days and nights.
    I am not trying to create drama, but use vacation time of you have it, stay home and address this like one would any addiction.
    Detox yourself that first week of "cold turkey" at home and punch through the pain.
    And here's the miserable part.
    Your hunger will BURN for a month after that first week. Just BURN!

    Good luck to you, and I wish I had some little thing to say that would be the key to making this easy.
    There is NOTHING.
    Gird yourself for a tough fight, and no matter what, stay motivated and just KEEP PUNCHING!
  • Mmmporkrinds
    Don't get too discouraged - keep trying because I think each time you try, you learn more about it. I finally quit by reading Allan Carr's book. The original is called Easyway to Stop Smoking, and I read the later and expanded version, The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently. It worked for me (smoke-free 9 years now and no regrets), and I actually really enjoyed the experience, but everyone is different, so if something doesn't work, just try again a bit later.
  • mcarpentier
    I tried all those too, and what worked for me was Zyban. I also had to completely quit drinking alcohol for the first couple of months. I guess I had a lot of triggers for example - stress, eating, drinking alcohol, that were tied to smoking. So that was the hardest thing to break for me. I wish you the best of luck, and when the time is right you will do it. It has been 3 years for me and I still fight the urges!! Good luck to you!!:smile:
  • gillybumbler
    my husband, mom, and dad quit with chantex, but I would research it before you jump in! My husband couldn't take the full dose because it made it hard to sleep and he had very weird vivid dreams. It seems to be similar to some anti depressants. It works, but like most drugs there are side effects.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    The best method I've found is this, and it was my doctor who suggested it.

    Let's assume you're a pack a day smoker. For the first week, smoke 20 cigs a day. The next week, 19 cigs a day. The week after that, 18 a day. All the way down to one a day and then done! Count them out the night before and space them out so you have an even time interval between each cig (I understand that with work and/or school and/or kids, etc. this can be difficult but do the best you can. This is not the only way to quit but it is a painless way to quit. The gradual reduction in nicotine intake makes this a very easy way to quit. It takes a lot longer but from what I understand the long-term success rate is quite high.

    My 2 cents.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    I have tried several times to quit smoking with no luck. I've tried cold turkey, patch, gum and just cant stay quit!!!! I've heard chantix works but im afraid it will make me crazy, I've heard horror stories too. What has worked for you?

    Allen Carr's book helped me quit June 16th of 2008. it's called "the easy way to stop smoking." best $15 i ever spent. i tried and failed to quit twice previously, and thought that i was doomed to a pack a day for the rest of my life.

    a few of my friends quit successfully with this book, and i finally caved in and bought it. it worked.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Get Alan Carr's book "The EasyWay to Quit Smoking" - it is fantastic and has helped a lot of people. I quit 2 days after finishing it, and aside from the uncomfortable physical symptoms of withdrawal for the first 3-4 days, it has been truly easy (I promise, I've tried to quit before and it was not easy - and I smoked for over 30 years). I've been smoke-free for 15 days now, and feel so much better.

    Other tips - substitute exercise for smoking when possible - reduces stress, and reinforces the positive changes you are making, and you feel great when you see your heart rate go down, and your stamina increase. Drink lots of ice water. Keep healthy snacks around so if you get the urge to munch, you won't do too much damage (apples, carrots, etc...). Also, look into online support communities (there's a group here on MFP, but there are also some others, like one on About.com).

    You CAN do it, and it will be the best thing you've ever done. Feel free to friend me if you want support.
  • gary8964
    I also can't tell you anything about Chantix, but I can tell you one or two things about quitting smoking.
    1.It's HARD
    2. It SUCKS
    3 It's probably the single MOST IMPORTANT THING you'll ever do for yourself.
    How do i know these things you ask? I am a former smoker (16 months free) I feel better, I am breathing better, I have more stamina, My clothes don't smell... the list goes on and on.
    I personally used lozeges and will power and some tense moments with those around me. I banished anything that had to do with cigarettes from my house (yes, I even make my s/o go outside to smoke). It is hard work, and i still do get the occasional urge, but I am able to fight it off knowing that just one is NOT ok, because it'll lead me right down the path again. Oh, one more piece of wisdom, You will quit when YOU are ready, not when others try to force you into it. I know you can do it when you're ready. Best of luck.
  • pattygale
    I tried and quit a couple of times. But I have been smoke free now for 3 years. This is what helped me the most:

    Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking"

    It SOOOOOO worked for me! You read the book and smoke while you're reading it. At the end of the book you decide whether or not to stop. It's very worth the money - if I remember right it was less than $20 - I just googled it and you can get it for under $10 if you order online. I can't tell you how much better I feel - physically, mentally, etc. And I can exercise so much better now. It's funny but the first couple of times I "quit", I really kept craving cigarettes and felt bitter that I couldn't smoke anymore. But after reading this book, I haven't craved them at all! PLUS - I have two beautiful granddaughters now and I want to be healthy and be able to do things with them.

    Good Luck!
  • BrandNewMia
    I quit cold turkey the first of the year. I had wanted to use some kind of aid but couldn't afford it, so, cold turkey it was.

    I started about a month in advance by cutting down. I cut out the morning cig first. Then I stopped smoking in the car. I gradually cut out a cigarette here and there until I was only smoking about 3-4 a day, then I just stopped. I felt like I was losing my mind for the first week. So I decided that I wasn't going to worry myself with nutrition and I didn't keep my food diary for 2-3 weeks, until the stressful part of quitting was over.

    25 days since I quit and I feel GREAT. It doesn't smell good to me anymore, I can run longer and farther, my face doesn't get all beet red when I exercise... I still struggle sometimes, but not every day anymore. The best part - every week I put $20 in an envelope and I'm saving it for a new waredrobe when I finally reach my goal weight :bigsmile:
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I had heard mostly success stories about hypnosis. I decided to give it a try since I knew I could not quit on my own. I will now be smoke free for one year on February 8th. I can honestly say I will never smoke again: the thought of it repulses me. I had smoked a pack a day (or more) for 26 years before I quit. I had NO side effects with the hypnosis. My only regret is that I did not do it sooner. Good Luck with whatever method you chose. You can do it!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    And here's the miserable part.
    Your hunger will BURN for a month after that first week. Just BURN!

    I must respectfully disagree with this statement, and it's statements like this that can set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm on day 15, and I was somewhat hungrier for the first few days (hungry may not even be the right word - during the nicotine withdrawal stage it may be more of a nervous need to fill the void), but my appetite went back to normal soon after. I made a serious commitment to regular exercise, which may help, but again, everyone is different, and what was true for you may not be true for another, so why set up negative expectations for them?
  • ashlielsullivan
    You can do it! I have smoked for several years and last month i became dedicated to the gym and decided the only way to be healthy is to go all the way! I have been smoke free for a month now! I cannot stand the smell of smoke now!!!! remember its mind over matter!!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I may not have any amazing suggestions for how to quit but what I can say is when you finally do, all the suffering will have been totally worth it!! I quit smoking 3 years ago and it was literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I probably smoked about a pack a day when I finally decided to kick the habit. I had tried the gum, and while it was tasty, it was no substitute. I was only able to quit when I came down with the worst flu of my life that had rendered me incapable of enjoying a cigarette for four days. I had decided that since I had already gotten over the three day "hump," that I would take it from there. (The "hump" theory is true!!!) Since then, I have felt healthier, more energetic, and I don't feel like I smell. My skin tone is more even and healthy looking, my teeth are whiter, and I'm actually a happier person. Quit smoking!! When you do, you will feel and look amazing!

    I'm really pulling for you! And feel free to add me if you'd like some encouragement along the way!
    Good Luck!!! :)
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I used the Livestrong My Quit Coach app for iPhone to track my cravings and smoking. Using the app, I weaned for a couple of weeks (and used that time to break myself of the habit of automatically lighting up in the car, automatically lighting up after dinner, etc.) before quitting.

    In the past the only "effort" I'd made at quitting was having a look around the Become an Ex website.

    I've been quit for over 5 months now, and the hardest part for me was making the decision to quit. I waffled for months and months before getting serious, setting a quit date, and really committing.

    Good luck!
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    I quit using Chantix. In fact my one year anniversary is coming up on Feb 7th!! :)

    You have to go see a doctor to get the prescription. Your doctor will be able to let you know if you are able to take it and what signs to look for. You won't just turn crazy overnight! If any side effects show up, your doctor will tell you to stop taking them.

    Both my husband and I used Chantix with no problem. I highly recommend it over any other way to quit.