How many calories per meal?

I'm trying to lose 5 more pounds until my goal weight. Mostly I want to just tone my stomach and I'm not too worried about actually losing the 5 lbs. I'm 5' 4" and 125. I do zumba 4-5 times a week for an hour and strength train a few times a week (it varies).

My current daily calorie goal is 1300. How many calories should each meal be around? I've only started to get serious about using MFP the past few weeks so I want to make sure before I continue that I'm doing it right.


  • MissJenn33
    We are pretty similar. I am 5' 2" and should be 125 (ha I'm 134 for now) My calorie limit is 1300 also. I stick to between 200-300 cals a meal and 5 meals a day generally 3hrs apart. I make breakfast and lunch bigger (around 300 cals) and my 2 snack meals smaller (around 200-250) ans the rest for dinner. This keeps me going thru the day and I don't ever really feel hungry.