Reliable scales

Hey all,

So I was wondering what brands/types of bathroom scales you use at home and which are most accurate. I've been using the Taylor scale that measures weight, body fat, and body water. I don't know how accurate/reliable that one is, considering I got it at Target on sale, and I was wondering what other people's experiences are or if you can suggest a scale that's your favorite.



  • julie20012
    I have taken every scales i have ever bought back, as i have found them unrelible, i know go to my health clinic to be weighed.
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    I would love to join a fitness center or the like, once I can afford it. For right now, though, I'm stuck with that at-home scales.
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    The other question is how much is too much (or too little) to spend on a home scale? I know that some things are worth paying more for in terms of quality. Is this the case with scales?