New here

Hello I signed up a few weeks ago. I'm hoping to gain some friends on here. Short story about me. 11 months ago I was about 305lbs. Health was very bad and was told to do a will. Also one of my closest friends mom died from diabetes which I got 3 yrs ago. I decided to change my lifestyle completely. I have lost a total of 100lbs so far with more to lose. More than just lose weight I'm trying to learn a whole new lifestyle with eating and health.
I would appreciate it very much if some of you would add me!!


  • jasmine1211
    jasmine1211 Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on all the weight lost, that is AWESOME! We are on this journey together. I have a good 50 lbs to loose and would love to gain a support system on here. Nice to meet you!
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    Hi and welcome. Amazing weight loss so far! You should feel quite good about that. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • meltaz
    meltaz Posts: 5
    Hi...welcome!!! Keep up the good work!!

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  • vsarasua
    Wow! you are doing great! Keep up the great work. I know it can be tough at times but thats when you can look to friends or us to help you get through the tough times. I'm new to this website and excited about getting healthy!!