Calling all College Students

So, between classes, homework, friends, and late night study sessions who really has the time to spend 4 hours at the gyms? Not me! Looking to loose weight and get down to my ideal size for college graduation in 2 years I'm embarking on a journey that will combine 1 hour of gym time a day with thing college students do. (i/e. walking around campus, doing situps as a study break, and of course going out) I'm looking for other college students to help me stay motivated and that I can help motivate. We all might be tired, but isn't showing how hard you can really work part of being in college?


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I had a lot of free time doing my undergraduate degree, but now I am doing a post grad with two small children it is a whole different ball game!
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    I know the feeling, I'm studying law and the workloads huge. But I try to go to the gym for at least an hour a day (gym and swim normally), plus its about a mile walk each way to uni for me. My flatmate and I bought the 30 day shred, and it gives you a really good 20 minute workout to do each day ! and you can just do it in your flat/house. Really cheap to buy too, and you can definately feel it :D! I've lost 15 pounds since I started in November :)

    edit: on days we arent too tired or didnt go to the gym aslong, we just do the shred twice (it has 3 different levels so you can mix it up a bit once you feel up to it :)
  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    Oh my goodness as I was reading your post I found myself agreeing so much!!! Let's be friends Lol
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Definitely not me. I usually go for between 30 and 60 minutes. Sometimes I wind up taking reading for one of my classes because it's the only way I can have enough time for everything! This whole double major (one science, one interdisciplinary) is a crazy deal.
  • I try to spend about 1 hour a day at the gym. 10-15 minutes of cardio in the beginning or end and 45+ minutes of lifting (or however long it takes to finish all my exercises).

    I can usually fit it into my schedule each day no problem.
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    Jens: i feel your pain. Right now I'm balancing job, relationship, school and trying to get this whole "weight" thing under control. I've discovered the best thing I can do right now is watch my eating. I don't go to the gym but I do try to go for a short walk. Even during my classes when I get a 10 minute break, I take a quick walk around the building, up and down stairs.

    Because I'm seriously lacking in the "free time" department, I've found that counting calories is the current solution.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I'm in college too, a sophomore. And LOL, the gym? That's a good one. We all joke about the gym a lot, and get there once or twice a week if we're lucky. :D Add me if you'd like.

    Not to mention some of the guys at gyms on campus can be a bit obnoxious and/or creepy, I prefer club sports where it's all for fun.

    I also tend to count walking several miles between classes/work as my daily exercise sometimes. :S
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I am totally with you! I work part time and have a one year old on top of going to school full time! It is going to be difficult, but we can so do this!
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I try to do as much as I can in 60 minutes.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I actually find that reading while exercising helps me stay focused.. I read on the treadmill at a high incline, slower speed. I also tend to record lectures and listen to them while I do sit-ups.. etc.. I really just like to fit in what I can during study breaks. It helps me stay awake, and I'm convinced I retain the information better later...
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I do a lot of homework at the gym. Mostly reading. I'm lucky because I have some gym equipment at my apartment complex, so I get up at 5 in the morning and workout for about an hour, then I workout at the gym after dinner. But yeah, if you can somehow integrate some of what you need to do into your time exercising, you'll at least free up a little bit of time.
  • Walk Walk Walk! lol, I can't say that enough but walking at a leisurely pace helps burn so much in calories that it is rediculous. Whenever you can walk. That will help you out a ton. I rather spend an hour walking than an hour at the gym personally. You can walk and read your books, brain storm on projects, etc. Whenever you get the chance and are feeling up to it, it never hurts to walk. Best of luck with your goals and keep your head high.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    You don't have to work out for four hours a day to get fit!! Count your calories and get 30m of exercise a day. Add in weights if you have a full hour, because weight lifting is cool. BAM - you're on your way.
  • I just started grad school and I also work full-time as an ICU nurse. I don't even belong to a gym because I know I don't have time to go. I have one of those Total Gyms in my house and I'm trying to get into a routine of using it when I wake up. It's very difficult. If anyone has any tips on how to fit everything in, please let me know!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    huh?? i have one work out a week that is 60 minutes or longer. most other times its 45 minutes or less.

    there is a great misconception that you need to do an hour of cardio and then an hour of weights to be "working out."
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    You're in college! *lose*

    Anyway, I firmly believe anyone can make an hour for the gym, even if you have to shove it between classes and work. I am in my senior year of college with a double major, a two year relationship, and work, and I've made it this far with gym 3x or more a week (barring sickness). You can do it! Also, your food choices will probably play the biggest factor in your weight gain or loss.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    You don't have to do 4 hours a day at the gym to lose weight :). Im a college student and mommy but try to squeeze in workouts for 1 hour 2-3 days a week. It's been doing me good so far. :).
  • rachelxanne
    rachelxanne Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also a college student that is trying to be healthy and fit. I just reached "overweight" last year but worked out over the summer and then found a routine that works for both semesters. It helps that my classes are scheduled in one chunk so that I can work out before or after. My routine goes somewhat like this (depending on the day): Work Out---Class---Study--Sleep or with breaks and eating in between. I work out daily if I can, but only for 30-60 minutes depending on how much time I have. Walking to my classes has also helped me tons! I'm also super lenient during the weekends.

    You can do it!! I lost 20+ pounds and I'm still losing :)
  • Right now I am just getting my body adjusted to working out for 1 hour on the stationary bike and once I accomplish that I plan on stepping it up with 30DS as well.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    why on earth would you work out for 4hours??

    Full time working mom, back in night school...still manage to work out lol
    I usually do a 20min work out in the AM
    45-60mins at night

    I never work out for 4hours though