How to stop a binge attack!? Helllppp!!

Okay, so you know when that time comes between lunch and dinner, and you need a small snack? I sometimes get a "BINGE ATTACK" is what i call it...and go for the bad stuff! Like today...i scrunged to my pantry and started snacking on my kids goldfish! Ughhh! I eat healthy during all my meals, but when it comes to snack time..i just wanna eat something salty!!! HELP!



  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    who says goldfish are bad? measure and have a serving, then log...

    I mean that is what I would do, lol
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Pickles seem to work.
    I also like Special K Crackers with Light Cheese. Light popcorn.
    At work I've been bringing raw zucinni and sliced peppers. (this is new and I will burn out fast on them)
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Oh, and mini pretzels.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    who says goldfish are bad? measure and have a serving, then log...

    I mean that is what I would do, lol


    Or some salted peanuts
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Get yourself out of the house. Grab a handful of goldfish, a bottle of water, and take yourself for a walk.

  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    Pickles seem to work.

    Pickles are a great idea! It is pretty hard to binge on those. I definitely turn into a bear when I go too long without eating. For me the danger zone is right when I get home from work and I know that I won't have dinner ready for another hour. A teaspoon of peanutbutter often tames the bear. But now I'm going to try pickles.
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    you're allowed a snack as long as you budget for it in your calories. and if it doesn't fit, eat it whilst taking a walk.
  • RachelLovesHockey
    I agree with PinkEarthMama. Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise for 10-15 minutes. Sometimes people mistake hunger for thirst so go drink a big glass of water or tea or something. Maybe brush your teeth - I think the toothpaste taste in my mouth makes most food taste terrible.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Get yourself out of the house. Grab a handful of goldfish, a bottle of water, and take yourself for a walk.


    I like this. Nice balanced compromise. Everything ebbs and flows. Emotions, urges, hunger, you name it.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with pickles and Special K chips. I also like 100 calorie packs. They have yummy things like cocoa almonds and shortbread cookies plus its portion control. Sometimes I like an apple with peanut butter. The peanut butter makes me feel like I am splurging. Keep up on your fluids too. Thirst can mask itself as hunger. Good luck!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I know this is so lame.. but drink water. :/ Our bodies often confuse thirst for hunger.. especially when the craving is salt. I tend to munch on edemame which is pretty much foolproof for me. In general, I try to save my sodium intake for the mid-afternoon because I know that is when my body will be asking for it. I also like Progresso’s Light Santa fe Zesty Chicken Soup. I actually try to “spoil” my dinner a bit by munching on something like this first so I don’t go crazy at the dinner table. That’s just me though…
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Sometimes I will log in the unhealthy snack before eating then I go back to what I know is healthy..Sometimes :) Sometimes I just go for it!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    goldfish aren't bad for you. try a serving with an apple.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    I did exactly what you did today, between lunch and dinner time, I confess to getting the childrens' peanut butter out and having several spoonfuls of it!!! Ok, so it was that natural, organic stuff with no added salt or other ingredients, but its still full of fat, and I didnt stop at 1 spoonful! Sometimes your body just craves sweet or salty foods, mine today was hormonal. Like you, every meal I cook is healthy, plenty of vegetables, fruit, nothing processed, yet with snacks its all sugary and chocolatey!! Draw a line underneath it, try not to get into the mindset where you think "Ive binged, I may as well carry on now". A walk or change of scenery may help too. Im an emotional eater and have a problem with chocolate, I dont know when to stop and eat 10 choc bars in one go if I got the chance, so my partner takes the chocolate and biscuits to work with him so I wont be tempted!!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    100 Calorie popcorn bags. Fiber, too!
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I am having an attack right now!!!!! I have made myself a cup of coffee with a bit of liquid FF French Vanilla sweetener in it....I have gotten myself a big glass of water.....I sure hope this works!!! Thanks for all the encouraging advice out there!!
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    What do you all mean by goldfish? Actual goldfish?
  • ces10
    ces10 Posts: 6
    i did thtsame thing today but it consisted of ice cream- chips - pie- thn more chips -thn more ice cream... super ugh!!!!!! My job had some party thing.... im quiting!! loloooo In my case i guess i should of left wrk!!!!!
  • jbpenfold
  • daynalee30
    I nearly laughed out loud when I read this. I did the same thing this afternoon and felt guilty... and it was also my kids goldfish crackers in between lunch and dinner because I wanted something fast and salty too. This and late evenings are my worst times for temptations but even though I feel guilt, it's just goldfish... not gummy worms... so I'll work it off later on the elliptical :)