Anyone used the New beverly Hills diet before?

I'm on day 3 all fruit day Grapes and i'm wondering if anyone else has ever tried it?
I've lost 2lbs so far in 2 days i'm not sure how long my body will keep it up or how long I can tough it out but it's the only diet i've ever seen steady results... I've used it after each of my children were born.

I know it's not a diet i should be on but a lifestyle change but I'd like to get a good head start on things and eating so much fruit with no additives to the meals all natural foods really seems to cure my taste buds of any "bad cravings"


  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    I really regret all the yo-yo diets and gimmicks I did after having my kids. I did them all. I did cleanses, juices, I did HCG. I did phentermine and slimfast and over the counter weight loss pills and everything. It would help me, initially, but all it really did in the end was screw up my metabolism.

    I think it would be more wise to eat a more balanced, nutritional diet and also incorporate exercise. Like you said, it's a new lifesyle you need to be healthy. If you want the results, you gotta do the work. Cravings go away as you change your life to a more heathy, responsible lifestyle.

    Good luck to you.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Have fun trying to sustain yourself on grapes. I'll just be over here, enjoying my amazing food while still losing weight all the same without deprivation.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    "In The New Beverly Hills Diet, proteins go with proteins (and fats), carbohydrates go with carbohydrates (and fats), and fruit stands alone.

    The day begins with any one of about a dozen enzymatic fruits, such as pineapple, strawberries, grapes, or watermelon.

    Enjoy the fruit you choose without limit, but wait an hour before switching from one fruit to another, and two hours before eating carbohydrates, fats, or protein. Once you do eat from one of these other groups, fruit is banished for the rest of the day.

    If the next thing you eat after the fruit is a carbohydrate, you can eat carbs without restriction until you consume protein. Once you have even a little protein -- a splash of milk in your coffee, for example -- 80% of everything you eat for the rest of the day must be protein.

    Where do beverages fit? Fruit juices and wine can pinch hit for fruit, while most other alcohol falls under Mazel's carbohydrate group. Champagne is considered neutral "and goes with anything," says Mazel.

    One meal a day can be considered "open," where carbs and protein freely fraternize: Burgers with fries, for example, or shrimp with rice. However, if that open meal occurs at lunch, once again 80% of the food you eat for the rest of the day should be strictly protein.

    Mazel maintains that you can expect a 10- to 15-pound loss in the program's 35-day initiation phase."

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Thanks for posting that, Taso. Sounds like a confusing, crazy, voodoo-diet.

    I'll take my calorie counting and exercise, thanks.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    This makes me giggle.
  • lissamok
    I agree with the others--a diet isn't going to be a permanent lifestyle change for you, so it's better to eat a balanced, healthy diet you can live with for the rest of your life. However, if this diet is what you need to get a jump start on your weight loss and you're planning on gradually reintroducing healthy items into your life then I support you 100%.

    What drew me to this topic was the words Beverly Hills. I'm so in love with that housewives show on Bravo, specifically the ones from Beverly Hills.