Lower body strength exercises for home

Help me out here please. I don't have a gym membership and don't plan on getting one. I have 4lb dumbbells, 8lb dumbbells and my hubby's 25lb dumbbells as well as a 5 or 10lb kettlebell. IDK if I need weights for lower body. I need lower body exercises to do on my leg/butt strength training days that I can do at home with the equip. I have.


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    lunges, squats, wall sits, step-ups. These can all be done with body weight and then with progressively heavy hand weights. I'd be pretty cautious about form with squats in particular, though. You can also make them compound full body exercises by adding a curl to walking lunges, overhead raise to squats, etc.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I would throw in deadlifts as well wit the heavier dumbbells. Bulgarian split squats would be good as well.
    KYMUSE Posts: 66
    Lunges, squats and stiff legg dead lifts work every muscle in your lower body (depending on how you vary your feet position). Start without the weight at first to perfect your form and balance-never allowing the knee to extend over the toes-when you squat don't think the movement down, think taking the tush back, like you are squatting to use a port-a potty or something :) You can go www.bodybuilding.com forum and they'll show you the different versions of these exercises, then move up in weight accordingly! Good luck!