Losing Weight but baby belly fat sticking around



  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    You do not get abs from crunches, you get abs from low body fat. Keep working on burning fat and the belly will follow. ;) Good luck!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    After 25lbs my belly fat is the last to go. My legs are toned, arms are showing signs of cuts but the belly fat remaiined. Ive recently upped my cardio and my strength training. Jillian says to use her dvds at least 5-6x a week and Ive been doing about3-4x. plus addition abs only excercises( jackie warner, incredible ab series)
    so I say stick to what your doing it will go. I do find that Jillians banish the fat and No more trouble zones are core intense
    Hope this helps
    Good luck!!
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    While it's true that you can't spot reduce, you can 'restore your core'. I only had one c-section, but I really felt the impact it had on my abs and back for that matter. I found consistent Pilates classes really helped me out. My belly really flattened out because my muscle tone was improved. My back hurts a lot less as a result of stronger abs. Best wishes to you!

    I plan on starting Pilates soon. I carried my 2 boys really low and have an extremely weak core. I've always had a bad back and whenever I try to work my core my back is really sore for days. I LOVE the 30 day shred but after 4 days, I had to take a break and felt like a granny because of my back. I've always thought about taking Pilates to strengthen my core. I'm excited to try it!
  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    I plan on starting Pilates soon. I carried my 2 boys really low and have an extremely weak core. I've always had a bad back and whenever I try to work my core my back is really sore for days. I LOVE the 30 day shred but after 4 days, I had to take a break and felt like a granny because of my back. I've always thought about taking Pilates to strengthen my core. I'm excited to try it!

    Do it! You'll be glad you did. I'm just mad the Pilates class at my gym filled up this session before I could get in--and the only opening they have is during my kids' swimming lesson. Next time!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Core work has helped with my c section pooch a lot. If you have p90x the "Core Synergistics" DVD is great!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    crunches are actually good for toning your belly, but none of that will show through until you burn off the fat with cardio. It just takes time. Longer cardio workouts are the key.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Mine is far from gone, but i have lost close to 50 lbs, .. I had a set of twins 2 years ago.. I did 2 rounds of p90x, 2 rounds of insanity and I am currently doing turbo fire.

    Here are some pics:

  • I have lost 22 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I owe a lot of it to MFP!!!! and the support of my family and friends. While I can feel the difference and see it in some of my clothes I am having a hard time shedding the baby belly that my three c-section kiddos left behind. I have the p90x, turbo fire, zumba, wii fit, just dances, and my fav 30 day shred. While I have not completed the p90x and turbo fire I don't know what the best "work out" "exerices" etc woudl be that is geared toward the core? Any suggestions?

    what did you do to l ose it so fast
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I'm a mommy of 2 myself and I'm doing Insanity right now. So far, I've seen a little improvement so far. I'm hoping by the time I'm done my tummy will have gone down a bit.


    i have seen a few moms doing this one and have had great results....also after the first one i got down to 122lbs and still had the "mom flap" honestly i dont really think it goes completely away but nothing a good pair of spanx cant fix lol
  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    22 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome......just keep pushing you will get there in no time. Yay !
  • Thank you all for the feedback, advice, and support!