help my sweettooth!

So I eat pretty clean most of the time, but the one thing holding me back is my complete dependence on artificial sweeteners! I have such a sweettooth that I try to control by consuming this chemical-laden crap. So my question is if anyone knows if I stop consuming sweet n low, etc. will my cravings for sweets subside? I thought I heard that somewhere, just looking for someone to confirm it for me! Thanks alot. Love MFP!


  • rachel512
    rachel512 Posts: 38 Member
    So I eat pretty clean most of the time, but the one thing holding me back is my complete dependence on artificial sweeteners! I have such a sweettooth that I try to control by consuming this chemical-laden crap. So my question is if anyone knows if I stop consuming sweet n low, etc. will my cravings for sweets subside? I thought I heard that somewhere, just looking for someone to confirm it for me! Thanks alot. Love MFP!
  • utexashorns
    I know chromium picolinate and gymnena will help control sugar cravings. Try to detox and do a candida yeast cleanse- this might help tremendously.

    And yes, aspartame does cause a rise in blood sugar so you are technically making it worse. Try also to switch to splenda or stevia- these are much better for your body!

    Good luck!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Yes, if you stop eating it, after a week or two, your cravings will be gone...Sweet tastes make you crave more sweet tastes via blood sugar. Try it! You won't regret it.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Low-carb diets say it goes away ... it can. But you have to cut out fruit, breads, basically everything that might taste sweet. So it's up to you ... sorry :grumble: