Sour Liquid or Broth Calories?

Not sure if this has been asked before but when I did a search of the message boards I couldn't find this particular topic. When I consume a can of soup, I usually leave a good amount of broth or liquid in the bowl. I just can't bring myself to eat it and I unless I have a few slices of bread to sop it up, I won't. I don't always want to add bread to every meal so I'm just wondering if you guys change the serving size if you don't consume it? This can was only 160 calories so it won't make a huge dent in my total calorie count either way, if I change the serving entry or not.

I'd hazard a guess that thicker soups with have a higher calorie count than more clear soup broths but it would also affect the other nutrient levels I'm logging. So has anyone come across this before and what do they log it as?