I want to AVOID family get togethers!!

I hate getting together with my family!! They are all over weight and attack me about losing weight! There is never anything healthy to eat. I normally bring something but they wont try it because they know its healthy. UGH! They will tell me I 'm starting to look to skinny or nasty. I try to tell them what I am trying to lose is still in my healthy weight range and that eating healthy and working out is GOOD for me. I just want to scream at them "YOU ARE FAT AND UNHEALTHY". What do I do. I have tried to be nice but its about to explode. Its not just a few comments is constant while i am there.


  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    You shouldn't deal with their negative comments, but if you want to throw it in your face, find some facts about health issues from being overweight, such as diabetes and heart conditions. Don't just tell them, show them a picture, a chart, such as this one.


    If that doesn't work, just try to spend less time around that negative environment. Find someone who will encourage you. Don't let people treat you like that.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    Thank you! Most of them have heart problems, high bp, diabetes and such but they don't care
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    if they want to make snarky comments to you, make snarky comments back and maybe they will shut up so you can enjoy your family time.