Does it freak you out?



  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yes, I too have lost a significant amount of weight before, gained and now back to losing again. I definitely got freaked out. I would just stare at the mirror in disbelief. I couldn't stop feeling my collar bones and hip bones. The first time I felt my hip bone, I didn't know what it was!! Then I realized, Oh yea, my body is changing.
    It is psychologically a struggle too. It freaks me out how fast the weight comes off my face first. I think it makes me look older, the fat isn't pushing and smoothing out the wrinkles anymore I guess. lol

    yea that's how it was to me, I'm glad I wasn't the only one =)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Sounds like "Ghost Pains". I've read of people who were involved in accidents getting them. There was a guy at the foundry I used to work at who lost his arm at the elbow. One day over lunch he started to cuss for no apparent reason. I asked why, and he said his "Damn shadow was itching" (his missing hand was the shadow). His brain was translating some information and was firing it down nerve paths that no longer existed. I don't know for sure, but I've also read that the "pain" you feel when you...say... close your hand in a car door isn't "real". Your hand suffers damage, but the sensation of "pain" is only realized in the brain.

    As we gain weight our surface area expands. The brain creates more nerve pathways to use for feel. Now that you've lost weight some of those are no longer used. Your brain does have spatial reasoning. So you're just fine to feel that way. Your brain remembers what position in space your hands used to be when they came into contact with your body. Now that it is different your brain is not yet used to the change, so every time you make contact somewhere else it will interpret the difference as damage and fire off some adrenaline.

    It will go away. About the time you are used to seeing the new you in the mirror it will go.

    yea I've heard about the phantom pain thing, and yes I must say it was simular, unfortanantly for me I gained all the wieght back so I didnt get to enjoy it to long, but I cant weight to get back there
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yeah my head is finally catching up to my body. I walk past people and they don't recognize me at all. It is kind of fun.

    I can't wait for this summer going to amusement parks and not having a nervous breakdown about fitting into the seat.

    YEA! I took my step kid to knotts a couple yrs back and didn't fit, I wouldn't let them bring the extenstion belt I was getting the heck out of there I always told my self I wouldn't get THAT big so big I cant enjoy the rides I love
  • strawberry626
    strawberry626 Posts: 73 Member
    I love this! Yay for you.
  • strawberry626
    strawberry626 Posts: 73 Member
    I remember being freaked out that I could fit through turnstiles... they have them at concert events or theme parks, and in Menards. I was walking into Menards with my sister and I went to walk through the cart gate, and my sister stopped me. She told me I was thin enough to fit through the turnstile and when I did, I freaked.

    I meant i love this yay for you
  • strawberry626
    strawberry626 Posts: 73 Member
    Do you ever feel freaked out by your new size? When I lost all my wieght before I remember some times at night lying there feeling were my tummy and sides used to be, and being really freaked out kind of like I felt like I was missing an arm, or all of a suddon I felt like I had one foot off the empire state building, and the way wind blew past me was also crazy, I remembered being weighed down better lol, my fingers and hands were unrecognizable, I would stare at myself in the mirror and saw a stranger, with all that said I was on cloud nine but some times it really freaked me out, it might be because I lost it really fast I lost 50 pound in 3 months because of my job.

    So I am wondering if any body else who has been over weight their whole life and then dropped all of it feels the same way?

    (by the way I gained it all back and then some, so I would just say to all you wonderful ppl who have done a great job, keep track of your selves, were like x drinkers lol)

    Good for you! I bet it is different. I wish i could look and say oh wow i look so different, im skinny. but nope i look and see how much i gained! blegh. Keep up the good work
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    I got freaked out when I was shopping with my sister and automatically went to the bigger section and my sister was like "Er what you going there for?" She held up a dress that was my size and said, "I thought you said you were this size now?" And I thought oh yea I can get my clothes from the main sections now. It kinda freaked me out that despite losing a significant amount of weight I still want to go for the bigger clothes. No more. Thanks. But yea I still catch myself looking in the mirror and seeing this person im not sure I recognise but shes here to stay I have no intention of going back again. None at all.
    No matter how freaked out I get I'll get over it and move onto the next freak out lol xx
  • amiles21693
    I remember when I first lost 30lbs and my collar bone appeared out of no where! I was fascinated by it for a long time. I still kinda secretly am (: But it helps me see a difference when I look at old photos of myself and its no where to be seen.
  • dizzydi1968
    I get freaked out all the time. I see my reflection and do a double take, I get surprised by peoples reactions and I still automatically pick up the largest size in everything!!

    I bought a box of tights (pantyhose?) the other day and had to take them back to the shop later as I picked up XXL when I'm now medium.

    I'm also mildly obsesssed by my 'new' bones, collarbone, hips, ribs etc.

    I'm sure I will get used to it eventually, I will have to as I am NEVER going back there.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Like some have said, I'm kind of the opposite. When I look in the mirror, I keep expecting myself to look like I did about 10 years ago. My "brain image" of myself hasn't updated and it's still a shock to see how bad I look now compared to my expectations :frown:

    It's one of my motivations for losing the weight though, as one day I *will* be able to look in the mirror and actually see "me" again :happy:
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Some people say the reason why people become overweight is to create a "barrier" for underling emotional issues. I know this was and still is the case with me. Losing it can make you feel vulnerable and exposed. Once you lose the weight you have one less excuse to be who you are and let your personality shine through and that's scary stuff. Seeing that's huge change in the mirror reminds you of that. Or at least it does for me.

    I have gone through some rough times when I was a kid and sometimes we had no food in the cupboards along with a Mom that simply wasn't there to make meals. I have this obsession that I have to fill up when I can and I always think of my next meal. Like I cant get enough even though I'm full. I haven't had an issues having food available for like 15 years and my husband and I always have a TON of food in the house. That's probably why actually. I still do it sometimes though. Those insecurities are hard to break.

    While losing the weight I have always been proud but once in a while I will look down at my legs, arms and hands and think "Is that really me"? I have lost 8 pant sizes mind you. 2 whole ring sizes too. I have also noticed guys looking at me, especially at the gym. Holy moly that makes me feel so insecure sometimes. I used to not be able to look anyone in the eye so its a huge change for me. All I can do is muster up my courage and just keep going. :)

    You got this girl. Your beautiful! :)
  • shalvors
    shalvors Posts: 21 Member
    I can't wait to see if this freaks me out, feels like a long time away right now!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I get freaked out all the time. I see my reflection and do a double take, I get surprised by peoples reactions and I still automatically pick up the largest size in everything!!

    I bought a box of tights (pantyhose?) the other day and had to take them back to the shop later as I picked up XXL when I'm now medium.

    I'm also mildly obsesssed by my 'new' bones, collarbone, hips, ribs etc.

    I'm sure I will get used to it eventually, I will have to as I am NEVER going back there.

    yea this is what Im kinda talking about I would lay there and feel my color bone and kips,it was soo unreal
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Some people say the reason why people become overweight is to create a "barrier" for underling emotional issues. I know this was and still is the case with me. Losing it can make you feel vulnerable and exposed. Once you lose the weight you have one less excuse to be who you are and let your personality shine through and that's scary stuff. Seeing that's huge change in the mirror reminds you of that. Or at least it does for me.

    I have gone through some rough times when I was a kid and sometimes we had no food in the cupboards along with a Mom that simply wasn't there to make meals. I have this obsession that I have to fill up when I can and I always think of my next meal. Like I cant get enough even though I'm full. I haven't had an issues having food available for like 15 years and my husband and I always have a TON of food in the house. That's probably why actually. I still do it sometimes though. Those insecurities are hard to break.

    While losing the weight I have always been proud but once in a while I will look down at my legs, arms and hands and think "Is that really me"? I have lost 8 pant sizes mind you. 2 whole ring sizes too. I have also noticed guys looking at me, especially at the gym. Holy moly that makes me feel so insecure sometimes. I used to not be able to look anyone in the eye so its a huge change for me. All I can do is muster up my courage and just keep going. :)

    You got this girl. Your beautiful! :)

    you know I think this has a lot to do with it too, I mean dont get me wrong I was really really happy about my wieght lose, but at night I didnt recagnise my body, but also I would still wear baggy clothes, I was messed with as a child so i really dont like attontion from guys, and I know that was one reason I started to eat a lot again, I didnt like not feeling in control about getting attention from guys
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    a little. especially when I put my hands on my waist, and I realize how much closer to each other they are now. Or when I see a window reflection, sometimes I don't realize it's me.

    A wonderful problem to have, for sure :)
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I remember on my first weight loss journey, when I lost 111lbs, I went up to my husband to ask him about a weird bump I found, only to have him look at me strangely and tell me it was a bone....we all do it!! Congrats to you...can't wait until I get back to that point myself!!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I remember on my first weight loss journey, when I lost 111lbs, I went up to my husband to ask him about a weird bump I found, only to have him look at me strangely and tell me it was a bone....we all do it!! Congrats to you...can't wait until I get back to that point myself!!

    hahaha thats sooo funny, yea when you go so long at a fluffy size your not used to bones lol,
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I'm starting to get that way about my arms a little bit. I'm noticing them slimming down and I often catch myself rubbing my arm like its weird having them be smaller.
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