plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
What's your opinion? What's your story? (If you have one)


  • cheyniemama
    My son's doctor described it as using a hammer to kill a flea. We took my son off it even though it worked due to the potential and permanent side affects. It did work well, though. What medical issue are you considering using it for?
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I've been taking it for 4 years for bipolar disorder. Out of all the medications I've taken, it's definitely not the worst but it does come with it's fair share of side affects. I've been wanting to get off of it for years because I feel it doesn't do much except make me sleep. I'm scared that I'm addicted to it because if I don't take it for a night I suffer from a lot of physical withdrawls, such as body aches, migraines, etc. It does help with my mania, but not with my depression and that is the worse for me to go through. Especially with the weight gain side effect, it has given me (someone who did not have a great view of her body image at 110 lbs) more to be depressed and anxious over. At my heaviest I was 150 (two and a half years ago), I am now 137 with an ultimate goal weight of 120-125. My ultimate ultimate goal would be to get off of all medication by the time I'm twenty one though.
  • cheyniemama
    My son was on it for mood and anxiety but it mellowed out his hyperactivity too. He's on zoloft now but it isnt as good. I don't know enough about bipolar, but for depression I know a few herbals that actually work really well. (I cant take pharmacuticals - they affect me strangely). I have good success controlling depression with st johns wort, but even better success taking sam-e. It is pricey but worth it (maybe 50 a month??? I would check w your doc first to see if that is okay for you and doesn't interfere...of course docs like the drugs better, lol. Good Luck!