Boxed egg whites, do you eat them?

I only eat the whites, with the exception of hard boiled eggs soaked in hot sauce, and I hate wasting. I was wondering are the boxes/cartons of All Whites tasty? Are they real eggs or synthetic? Would you recommend them?
Thank you sexy beast♥


  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    There the whites from real eggs. Yes they taste teh same as separating them out. I switched to carton whites a while ago because i was wasting the rest of the egg.
  • What's your fitness/nutrition goal? Wondering why you are only eating the whites.
  • ugw125
    ugw125 Posts: 28
    There the whites from real eggs. Yes they taste teh same as separating them out. I switched to carton whites a while ago because i was wasting the rest of the egg.

    Thank you! This is all I needed to know, I'm glad there not some scientific concoction if you know what I mean c:
  • ugw125
    ugw125 Posts: 28
    What's your fitness/nutrition goal? Wondering why you are only eating the whites.

    It's pathetic I know, but I am kinda picky and heard they are not as good for you. Anything I should know about eating the whole egg?
  • What's your fitness/nutrition goal? Wondering why you are only eating the whites.

    It's pathetic I know, but I am kinda picky and heard they are not as good for you. Anything I should know about eating the whole egg?

    Egg yolks actually get a pretty bad rep, when they aren't all that awful for you. They actually have a lot of awesome nutrients that the whites simply don't--a lot of good vitamins and fats. They ARE high in cholesterol, but studies have been done that show there is no direct link between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in the body.

    Here is a little more info:

    I hope that helps! I know it doesn't really answer your original question, but if you are not eating yolks on health concerns alone, then feel free to eat away! I hate when yolks are hard and almost never eat them then, but I love a good over-easy egg where I can pop the yolk and sop it up with the other food on my plate. Yum yum yum.
  • jennyt4bb
    jennyt4bb Posts: 5 Member
    I was separating out from whole eggs as I do 5 eggwhites and 1 whole egg. Just switched to boxed whites with one whole egg added. They taste the same to me. Check the box though, not all are equal. Some have a bunch of "stuff" added, while the one that I bought only lists egg whites as the ingredients.
  • What's your fitness/nutrition goal? Wondering why you are only eating the whites.

    It's pathetic I know, but I am kinda picky and heard they are not as good for you. Anything I should know about eating the whole egg?

    Egg yolks actually get a pretty bad rep, when they aren't all that awful for you. They actually have a lot of awesome nutrients that the whites simply don't--a lot of good vitamins and fats. They ARE high in cholesterol, but studies have been done that show there is no direct link between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in the body.

    Here is a little more info:

    I hope that helps! I know it doesn't really answer your original question, but if you are not eating yolks on health concerns alone, then feel free to eat away! I hate when yolks are hard and almost never eat them then, but I love a good over-easy egg where I can pop the yolk and sop it up with the other food on my plate. Yum yum yum.

    Beat me to it. Eat those yolks. I eat 4-6 a day.
  • ugw125
    ugw125 Posts: 28
    Oh Wow, thank you! That kinda proved my thoughts on yolks. . .WRONG! haha c:
  • mahidac
    mahidac Posts: 126 Member
    i use the boxed egg whites - you do have to be careful of which ones you buy though, because some of them (like the flavored egg beaters) have a whole lot of sodium per eggwhite (like almost 700mg) - but I use them and find them quite tasty

    you will get a lot of conflicting opinions on egg yolks - but IMO unless you have a prexisting problem with cholesterol, adding a few yolks a day is probably not going to do you any harm. However if you are one of the few people who do have a problem processing cholesterol then consuming egg yolks could definitely do you some harm.

    For every article someone links there will be a conflicting one another person links, I will always trust what I learned in medschool over most things I read on the internet, but back to your original question :P Yeah I use the boxed egg whites, and I just watch the sodium and I think they are pretty good!