Is my cat trying to tell me something

I have a one and a half year old Tom cat. He can only be described as being a grump! We can only rub him when he allows it and if we try to go near him any other time we get bitten. But for the last week he has been really friendly to me. He snuggles up to me as soon as I sit on the couch. And he has started sleeping up by me in bed. He used to always sleep at the foot of the bed with the same routine every night.

I mentioned this to my partner who is away at the moment with work and he said 'you're pregnant!'
I looked on line and apparently sometimes pets act like this to pregnant owners.

I don't have any symptoms of pregnancy, has anyone ever had this happen with a pet? I'm tempted to do a test!


  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Well go do a test!! Or have your doctor do it for you. Maybe your cat just decided to be nice to you just for the heck of it. :)
  • Maybe yoxur cat finally feels like he has a place in the home! Cats will be a pain if they dont feel as if tey belong....I have three and my male cat use to be that way....And yes just take a test to see if you are...
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    Not sure about the cats intuition, but would be interested to know if it was true, lol.

    I would get him neutered though if he is a tom cat. Apart from being a responsible thing to do to stop him re-populating your entire neighbourhood over his lifespan, it also tends to aid in the non-friendly department.

  • 84dex
    84dex Posts: 45
    Hes neutered. It was done early as I didnt want any spraying in the house. Didn't make him any friendlier!I also spay or neuter any stray or feral car that decides to wander through my garden :)
  • My cats are pretty friendly usually but if anyone in our house is coming down ill, they dont leave you alone!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    It's more likely he's been bullied by local cats on his territory.

    I suspect having unprotected sex and missing a period would be more accurate indicators of pregnancy :tongue:
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    Maybe he just likes you more this week, lol. Cats are funny, I have 4 and they are all completely different in their personalities. Got to love them though. The dog plays with 2 out of the 4 like they are his best mates. Always find them curled up together. The other 2 give him a wide birth.
  • I've been a vet tech for 10 years and spent the last few years working at a cat only clinic and it's so funny, everyone who was pregnant said the same thing about their cats! That said, he could also just be going through a "lovey" phase. :) Obviously I don't know where you live, but they tend to get this way with the change of seasons (like if it's suddenly warmer or colder than usual) With any kind of illness, they tend to go off by themselves.

    Also, I think it's GREAT that you spay and neuter the feral cats that go through your garden!!
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Cats are just like that. We've got a younger cat that has very little to do with my wife but will not leave me alone to be petted.

  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Its not the most likely explanation.

    Ours sleep closer when its cold out. Or when they are stressed. Or happy. Or want to laugh at us trying to contort around them. Or want feeding. Or just feel like it.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cats go through weird phases like that. Also, sometimes it just takes them a while to warm up, get comfortable, etc.. Also, with your partner away, is it possible he doesn't like/feels threatened by your partner? You could take a pregnancy test, I supposed it wouldn't hurt anything, but keep in mind that they only work so early.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    My cat used to do that as well. The little bugger would actually just come out of no where and attack the hell out of my face, still have a scar on my eyelid from him. Once he turned 2 he has calmed down a lot. To the point where I can't remember the last time he attacked me. Cats grow up and will change. Embrace it while he's calm, and good luck. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe he's friendlier with your partner out of town. Two people trying to pet him is too much, but one person isn't enough. :laugh:
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I would wonder if it's the fact your partner isn't home. I never heard that about being prego though, but I'm not really a cat person, nor a kid person, so... LOL Now, my dog... she knows when I'm sick & will snuggle more with me then. I've also heard of animals sniffing out cancerous moles, or detecting siezures, etc, but nothing about cats. I would guess they really don't care, unless it means their dinner would be interupted! LOL
    Good luck! I hope the news is whatever you want it to be!!
  • 84dex
    84dex Posts: 45
    Well I never would have thought it only my partner said it. He is away for six months of the year and the cat has never been friendlier before. Maybe he has finially realised I'm nice :) il enjoy my friendly cat while it lasts anyway. Don't think il buy a pregnancy test just yet.
  • 84dex
    84dex Posts: 45

    He does paw at my face in the mornings! I will have to keep an eye on him :)
  • Devonanne
    Devonanne Posts: 102 Member
    My cats get weirdly cuddly when my fiance is out of town. I like to think they know I'm alone and try to make sure I'm warm and looked after :) But cats can pick up on tiny changes in environment that we could never detect, so who knows??
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    maybe he don't like your partner and thinks you kicked them out.