Hi everyone, I hope someone can help.... I'm struggling to keep within my daily protein limit, despite being under my calorie allowance. I need some suggestions on what low protein foods I can be eating to substitute the ones I'm currently eating - I can't eat any more fruit and veg or I will burst, and need something more substantial to constitute an evening meal.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Until now, I never realised protein intake was an issue and always closely monitored my carb intake instead. However, everyday seeing a RED number saying I'm exceeded my daily protein allowance is starting to get me down.

In addition, I'm not managing to meet my daily calorie intake, which I'm receiving a warning message about and I know this in itself will slow down my weight loss :-/

I'm a 34yr old female, weigh 142lbs and am aiming to lose at least 14lbs; I am exercising everyday and have a very active schedule so do not have much time to be preparing time consuming meals.

I have set out below a typical example of what I am eating.

PLEASE HELP! :) Thank you :smile:

Danone Actimel - Strawberry, 100 g
Kellogg's - Special K Red Berries With 125ml Skim Milk,
Weight Watchers - Wholemeal Bread, 1 slice 28.6g
Lurpak - Lighter Spreadable, 10 g (teaspoon)

Hovis - 50/50 Bread, 2 slice
Sainsbury's Be Good to Yourself - British Breaded Lean Ham,
Helmans - Extra Light, 30 g
Lettuce - Green leaf, raw, 1 cup
Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup
Egg White - Hard Boiled, 0.5 Egg
Peppers - Sweet, red, raw, 1 ring (3" dia, 1/4" thick)
Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 cup, quartered or chopped
Fruit: Blueberries - Fresh, 0.5 CUP
Sainsbury's Be Good to Yourself - Rice Cakes, 1 cake

Sainsbury's Be Good to Yourself - British Breaded Lean Ham, 1 slice
Peppers - Sweet, red, raw, 1 ring (3" dia, 1/4" thick)
Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup slices
Lettuce - Green leaf, raw, 1 cup shredded
Sainsbury's - Garlic and Jalapeno Stuffed Olives, 30 Grams
Sainsburys Be Good to Yourself - Beetroot Salad, 100 g
Sainsbury's - Cherry Tomatoes, 10 tomatoes (100g)

Strawberries - Raw, 0.25 cup, halves
Fruit: Blueberries - Fresh, 0.5 CUP
Yoplait Petit Filous - Fromage Frais (All Flavours), 1 Pot (50g)
Peppers - Sweet, red, raw, 1 ring (3" dia, 1/4" thick)
Celery - Raw, 1 stalk, small (5" long)
Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup slices
Sainsbury's - Cherry Tomatoes, 6 tomatoes (100g)
Strawberries - Raw, 0.25 cup, halves
Fruit: Blueberries - Fresh, 0.5 CUP

Calories: 1,016
Carbs: 158
Fat: 23
Protein: 45

Calories: 184
Fat: 17
Protein: -1


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    open diary
  • I am using the diary; but I'm struggling to find foods low in protein
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    He meant open your diary to see how it looks like.

    Also, I wouldn't mind going over MFP's suggested protein intake because they set it pretty low. Protein rebuilds your muscles and ultimately you want to gain lean muscle mass and lose fat and not the other way around. I lifted weights yesterday so I consumed 250g of protein :). I've lost 20 pounds and love how my muscles are starting to show!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    45 grams of protein is a little low. You should be at least getting 50-60 grams and you're safe eating more than that.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    why are you trying to LOWER your protein?

    MFP lists the MINIMUM protein level you should have - not the maximum. More protein is actually better, MFP levels are really low. Ignore the RED on protein. Low protein is actually not better, on this number.

    Protein helps you feel full longer, helps you retain lean muscle, help repair tissue damaged from exercise, and helps in muscle growth. Your body uses protein for every cell and oragan, it is very very necessary.

    A good rough range to aim for is about 1 gram per pound of LEAN body weight. I am 5'2" and aim for 90-100 grams or more of protein everyday. You can go lower, but if you bump it up, you will probably be surprised at your overall improvement.

    When my protein is to low, I have trouble losing body fat, also stop gaining muscle, and find exercise more difficult - especially strength training.
  • trenley
    trenley Posts: 35 Member
    I agree, going over on protein is a good thing. Same with fiber. I think your diet is fantastic!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Why do you want to reduce your protein? Actually MFP settings are pretty low. You want to aim for 1 gram for every 1 lb BW.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Why would you want to do that? Protein is good for you! Aim to make it higher!
  • Also, I wouldn't mind going over MFP's suggested protein intake because they set it pretty low. Protein rebuilds your muscles and ultimately you want to gain lean muscle mass and lose fat and not the other way around. I lifted weights yesterday so I consumed 250g of protein :). I've lost 20 pounds and love how my muscles are starting to show!

    This. I usually have about 120-140g of protein a day. If you are working out, get the protein in. It will help you.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You daily intake looks fine - you can easily take up to 100g of protein per day with no problem, in fact if you are doing any strength training then you NEED it to build muscle.

    Keep up the good work!
  • MFP protein "goals" are far too low, especially if you are exercising (esp weight training at all). GOing over on protein is a good thing, imo!!! Protein helps repair and build muscles, keeps you feeling satisfied longer.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    What tangal88 said. The easiest way would be to adjust your mfp goals towards a higher percentage of protein making up your daily calorie allotment.

    I've been using 1gram/protein per pound of lean body mass. It's not precise but it's the easiest one to remember.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I am over on protien every day, but protien is good, helps rebuild muscle....I just try to make sure I don't go way over on carbs/fat...always over on sodium to...dang processed foods, but I drink water like a crazy woman to couteract the sodium in take!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I don't think 45 grams of protein is going to hurt you. Eating maybe 100g wouldn't be great, but when you lose weight, if you don't eat adequate protein, it is YOUR protein where the weight will come off of, not just fat. And this can include your vital muscles (ie. heart) as well. So I don't think you should lower your protein that much if you choose to do so at all. I am set to lose 2 pounds a week, I am a vegetarian, and I eat more protein than you (and only 300 calories more than you do). ;)
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it, the daily allowance for protein is low on MFP. You could actually up the protein you are eating.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Yeh I'm usually 20G over every day...and I'm not a carnivore either
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    MFP protein is way under the newly recommended standards for protein intake during workout and weight loss. If you dont' believe the posters above please google it. You can reset your goals easily and you may want to consider it after doing the protein intake calculation.
  • mandyw30
    mandyw30 Posts: 73 Member
    Don't worry about going over your protein intake as set by MFP as I think they set it too low. I have had a play round with my % of nutrients allowed to allow myself more protein.
    Protein is good for you, helps with muscle building and development and also helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    Eat more protein. It's good for you. :)
  • Don't lower your protein!!! I eat like 150 grams a day.. that is what was recommended for me, trying to tone up and lose fat. (and I am 5"5', 127 pounds)