I NEED Friendssss... plssss....from Essex, England. UK


Am 5"2" and 73.5kg looking to be healthy. Looking for friend for motivation and share ideas.........pls add me


  • 5 ft7, 126 pounds... buckinghamshire x
  • From, Taunton, Massachusetts, USA. Joined this forum because I have about 100 lbs to lose, last year I lost about 35 and when I hit my plateau in January I just literally spent the past five weeks eating desserts, carbs and crap. Been getting back on track the past few days and I'm already starting to feel better.

    Between school work and life there are some days when I just want to dive into a pizza or box of cookies. So please feel free to say hello anytime. :smile:
  • Right there with you girl , I would love to support you. I have a new blog out called SKINNY THURSDAY... check it out and let me know what you think. We have to laugh about it sometimes, right?