Premature Menopause diagnosed, gutted :(



  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't have early menopause but go through somewhat similar things. I need to talk to my doctor about getting my uterus removed. All month I get hot/cold sweats, wake up in middle of night drenched and major hormonal issues.
    When I get my TOM, I am useless. It's way beyond heavy and I feel and look like I'm bleeding to death. I also can barely eat, have cramps that remind me of early labor, headaches/migraines, my entire body is stiff and sore, acne, etc. Pretty much every symptom in the book. It also lasts over a week.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I started down that road in my early 40's....night sweats, chills, hot flashes, mood swings, missed or short TOM's... confirmed by blood tests. I am now 48 and still have TOM's, just not "as usual", so don't put much faith in the 6 month time line from the doc. From talking to multiple GYN's over the years the peri menopause process can last up to 15 years (or more). They don't consider you menopausal until you have been without TOM for a full year. Thank goodness I don't have the sweats and hot flashes anymore, and not much of the mood swings. TOM shows up when it feels like it...2 weeks, 2 months... without much warning. I couldn't do HRT, I did try a couple different anti depressants years ago, but they seemed to make the mood swings and sweats worse. The thing that seems to have helped me the most is watching what I eat... lower carb (low "whites"), low fat, low sugar and no soy. I still gained weight, but I seem to be have an easier time of losing it this time around.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you so much to everybody who replied on this thread, or sent messages, really heartwarming to know there are some lovely people on here. Interesting to read peoples stories and viewpoints and to know there are plenty of others in the same boat. Im seeing my doctor in 2 weeks time so will know more about HRT etc then. Still suprised to get the diagnosis but it all adds up with me feeling low, gaining so much weight so quickly and the sweating. My hair started thinning about 3 years ago too and I could never find the reason why, so now Im thinking its something to do with it too. Thanks again everybody x