Looking for bikers

Hi All.
I started biking in September. All I had at the time was an old 40 or 50 year old 3-speed bike that had been passed to me by an elderly gentleman at my church--think clunky and heavy. My first week, I could barely eek out half a mile, and I felt whipped. But I stuck with it and pushed myself a little bit further each day, and I finally reached a 10-12 mile a day ride. It felt wonderful. Not only is it my exercise time, but it's also my stress relief time.

A couple weeks ago, my hubby surprised me with a used 10 speed bike, and I am loving it. Yesterday, I biked 17.45 miles, and my daily rides average 12-14 miles. My goal is to bike across my county by the end of February--about a 23 mile ride.

Anyway, just wondering if there's other biking people here.
