Any one have injurys????

Hello everyone, does anyone have a limiting injury? Last June I had surgery on my ankle. It came about from a REALLY bad ankle roll from childhood. I'd say for the last 3 years it has really limited my exercise. The doc tightened up some ligaments and tendons and moved my heel bone put some screws in. It has been 7 months and it feels 40-50% better than before surgery, but I feel there needs to be more work done. I think he needs to go in and clean up the joint a little bit due to limited flexibility (I can't point my toes all the way and it pinches when i go down stairs - bring my knee over my toes)
I know that I need to focus on the exercises what I can do and not on what I can't. The exercise bike isn't too bad, swimming(but can't in the winter), but after being on my feet all day at work for nine hours(which my ankle says 7-8 hrs is enough) its really hard when I come home from work to get on the bike. Oh and I have a 2 1/2 year old who I have to fix dinner for and we are potty training right now. So on the good days when I feel like I can get on there, I may get 5-10 mins then its peel off the urinated on pants and undies!!! Does anyone have a suggestion of an exercise maybe a floor exercise(one that gets the heart rate up) that maybe even my daughter might want to do with me. I know there attention span is short. I believe a semi-half way decent work out is at least 30 mins of heart rate over 120.