Need a New DVD Rec

I am coming close to finishing the 30DS and need some suggestions on a new workout video to move onto. I like the 30DS overall, but it does get a little boring and therefore hard to force myself to do. I have to fit it in over the kids' nap time, so shorter workouts are a must. What else is out there that gets results in a minimal amount of time while remaining "fun?". Any suggestions?


  • SmashliT
    SmashliT Posts: 49 Member
    Anything? Or am I dreaming the impossible dream?
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    Personally i would move on to her RIpped in 30 DVD, its about the same length and its an *kitten* kicker.
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    Personally i would move on to her RIpped in 30 DVD, its about the same length and its an *kitten* kicker.

    I second Ripped in 30! It has slightly longer warm-ups and cool-downs, but the circuits are the same length. If you have some extra time, you may also want to try Jillian's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism (it's about 50 minutes long total) - this one has some intense cardio, no weights, but can really kick your butt. I've been rotating between all three of these and I never get bored.
  • SmashliT
    SmashliT Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! Ripped in 30 was one I was considering, so it is good to hear other people like it!