tired of being tired

Real discouraged with myself. I can't stop stress eating. I am miserable at work, I don't talk to anyone here. I have gained all the weight I lost on here then some. My clothes don't fit right. I feel disgusting. So WHY can't I get motivated to do this. Why can't I put the chips down and say that's it... going for a walk. Everyone has 24 hours in their day they can get their workouts in and they are more busy then I am. I can't get up earlier in the morning because I am not sleeping at night. I lack so much energy. All I want to do is sleep. All I think about it what can i eat next. And the junk I eat makes me feel miserable after. I know if I start to eat right and exercise I would feel 110% better then i feel now. I have a constant back ache from the weight I have gained. I haven't gotten on a scale in a month. I don't want to see the number. I am in total denial. This morning I almost put my yoga pants on to go to work because they fit and they are comfy. I have an exercise bike, a treadmill... a billion exercise videos... I have joined a transformation group with my chiropractor. And I got out of there more confused then ever... she tried to preach that you can do 4 min of high energy exercise a day and that is enough? That doesn't sound right. She said that it will empty the sugar in your liver and pancreas and your body will have to work to replenish it and that will help in health / weight loss??? My knees hurt going up the stairs... my dad just had a knee replacement surgery. I do not want that to happen to me... I am so winded going up a flight of stairs. I am really discouraged. I am an all or nothing person. If I don't see results right away I throw in the towel. It's the same in all aspects of my life... it's got to be now... I know I didn't gain this weight over night and I wont loose it overnight. Oprah did say on one of her shows... if there was a magic pill out there don't you think I would have bought it... you got to eat less move more... I have done this I know I can do this. But I feel deprived all the time. I am addicted to sunflower seeds. I have tried to stop buying them... but find myself at the gas station grabbing a bag.... I know I am rambling... I just needed to get this off my chest today. Please no rude comments. I am not stupid I know what I need to do ... just need a kick in the *kitten*... :embarassed:


  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    Take mini steps..they are much easy to do..I know you have it in you..you have been my MFP friend almost since I started. You are always encouraging..now just turn the encouragement inside and go for the gusto..I'm here for you so just shout out when you need support:smile:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I know how you feel. I think what you lack, is what you need the most. 2 years ago, I was climbing up to about 245lbs and felt miserable. Here is what I did and it was easy for me..I didn't count my calories for a while, but I did watch my portions and walked for about 30-60 minutes a day. Don't deprive yourself either. If you want to have a slice of cake, then dangit, have a slice..but you gotta know about moderation. If you find yourself sitting around more then 30 minutes a day, obviously, you have time to get in a 30 minute workout, whether thats walking, biking etc..do something you like and stick with it..maybe go for a walk and take your mp3/ipod if you have one..let your legs move and your mind wonder. Take it slow..maybe don't count your calories, but watch your portions..don't sit around and eat all day, thats just going to discourage you more. Hope that helps..come on here, look at diaries if you have to, look to see whos doing what..and hope that motivates you. You can do this..so don't throw in the towel, ok? Now..get off that computer chair..and kick it into gear!! :drinker:
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Weight loss is tough for everyone! I'm so sorry you are struggling. I struggled for years before I finally got serious. I can't tell you what snapped inside of me to make this one THE time I was gonna do it. It has to come from inside of you. But I would suggest you DO get on your scale. No more hiding!! Face it! See where you are (I know you already know). Do some research on healthy choices. Don't deprive yourself - if you look at my diary I have chocolate every single day but keep in my calories. I heard somewhere a person asked "whats the best thing to do to lose weight?" The person replied "whatever you'll do". Thats it. Maybe today it'll start with parking 10 spaces away from your normal parking spot. Tomorrow the stairs instead of the elevator. Thats all it takes, One little change a day. When you start to daydream about eating food, come onto here and ask your friends for help. Or call a friend to go walking in the park. Little changes. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. And you will notice a difference. But if you just do little changes you won't feel so overwhelmed in the beginning!! Good luck and feel free to add me
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I think you're right about your chiropractor being wrong. So that's a start.

    I think you need to be less hard on yourself - this isn't easy, but you can do it.
  • eahile
    eahile Posts: 2
    Dear fedup, the previous posts are right, just start, ya know? YOU keep trying and you will find what will work for you . . . gnawing on celery, pilates, a vision board, walking the neighborhood, flavored water, . . .keep looking, and don't allow yourself to get so discouraged (easier said, than done, right? lol), keep coming here when you need encouragement, people here are so kind, helpful, and they ahve been where we are! I do believe when you mooooove more, you will notice that you are less tired, I suppose because you will sleep better (?) Don't you quit!! dammit!

    (that last part was your kick)
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    You can do this! I say try to eat at maintenance to just get yourself into the habit of it. It'll get you back into the habit of logging, without the pressure!

    Don't try to do too much at once - just change one thing every week for the healthier and in time it'll become easier.

    Good luck!!
  • ktaft77
    ktaft77 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with everyones posts :) we have all struggled and if you start with just one thing at a time, you will start to feel better in no time! I also use natural light bulbs in my house and a natural light at work... I live where the winters get pretty dark and I noticed that the natural lights help me sleep better at night, that and vitamin D help a lot :)
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Everyone has made great points. We are all here for you. That's what makes MFP so great - we all get the support we need. What we are doing is a challenge and it gets frustrating sometimes. It's more about how we confront the challenge and move forward. Don't look back, no regrets. Start today with a plan of action. Make a mini attainable goal for yourself. What can you do today that will get you on the track you want?
    I can get down and out very easily with stress and emotions. I like to make goals and get excited about something. :happy: Whether it is a new recipe, asking a friend to join me at the gym, thinking about how great I'll feel after I work out... these are all small steps we can take to move the train along. As long as it's moving, it's going forward. :flowerforyou:
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    I feel the say way as you do. I blame it on my menopause, hormones and old age. I used to have willpower to fight off the cravings, but now I found an exuse and thats what it is for me, "excuses". After reading postings on MFP, I realized that I am letting myself down. Its hard to get out of that dark hole I know first hand what that feels like. My faith, support from others and to never give up helps me get through the day. I am a Catholic and believe the devil is attacking us so we stay miserable. Get back up and prove to yourself that nobody is going to take away your happiness!! I hope this helps.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    make small goals - as one of the other posters said, pick one thing each week and work on that. Don't overwhelm yourself with EVERY LITTLE DETAIL from day one, take it one step at a time instead. This week, promise to track everything. Next week, track everything and stay within your calories at least 3 days. Next week make it 6 days. Next week, exercise at least 3 times. Next week, eat all your fruits and veggies. Etc etc Celebrate every time you meet your goal! If you don't meet it, keep that goal going for the next week and work harder then celebrate. :)

    no deprivation - there's nothing wrong with eating sunflower seeds, just don't let yourself go overboard. Before you open that bag, look at the label to see how much a serving is and only allow yourself to have that much. You can only have more if you have the calories. Which brings me to my next point....

    make bargains with yourself - you could also have more seeds if you earn the calories with exercise. I do this all the time on the weekends when I really don't feel like doing housework. I want to just sit on the couch and munch but I stop myself and say "ok, Nay, you gotta get this stuff done so let's work on this for the next couple hours and then it'll be close to lunch time so you can have that snack if you still want it". It can also help to put on some good music or a good movie in the background to keep you going.

    change your thinking - instead of want to lose weight, shift the focus to wanting to eat a more healthy diet and be more fit. If you focus on those goals, the weight loss will naturally follow.

    And finally, a little bit of tough love...if you know there's no such thing as a quick fix then stop getting so frustrated with yourself...what the hell is that accomplishing?!?! Nothing obviously... The definintion of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Time to quit with the crazy and turn over a new leaf!
  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    I will try to be brief. (Key word: try)

    Stop making yourself feel bad about your past decisions and mistakes. They're done, let them go. Realize that you are smart, capable, and well-equipped with physical tools to lose weight...but that is not always enough. Many of the feelings you're describing are ones I also felt at the beginning of my latest (and most successful) weight loss attempt. I was angry at myself. I knew what to do but I just...didn't. Sometimes I could even recognize the very moment when I was making an unhealthy decision, but I just observed myself doing it, judged myself harshly for it, blamed myself for not being strong enough to resist it, and then did it anyway.

    Work on your mind/soul first. That is what I needed to do, and it has been the only way that has worked for me. By looking at my thoughts, feelings, habits, and routines, I was able to identify the reasons that I was living the way I was. My mindset was unhealthy, which caused my body to be unhealthy. I was overeating, stress eating, emotional eating...basically, food was a drug for me and not just a way to sustain my biological functions. I'm still working on maintaining a healthier outlook and perspective, but the hardest change for me was just breaking through the emotional barriers to my weight loss.

    Get rid of the guilt. Get rid of the blame and regrets. Set small, attainable goals. When you mess up, and you will because we all do, think about *why* you messed up. Don't feel bad, just analyze. Only weigh yourself every week or so, and always first thing in the morning (I don't follow this rule, but I'm not upset when the number fluctuates from day to day, so YMMV). Celebrate your victories, even the small ones, in healthy ways ("I exercised today so I get to eat a cheesecake" ain't exactly reasonable) - buy yourself a small item or something luxurious like a massage or manicure. Or sleep a little later on the weekend if you can. Or take a long, hot bath. Something that has no negative consequence. The way I think of my progress is like this: There is no such thing as falling off the wagon or "ruining" your diet/exercise plan. There are just breaks and detours. Messing up is not a reason to give up, and it's not a reason to be mad at yourself. Your body will forgive you; treat it well and it will make you feel great.

    I really hope you find something that works for you. I can really relate to your post and I never thought I'd be able to do anything about it. <3
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Thank you all for your advice!! I will do this. I CAN do this!! :smile:
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Keep it up, takes times. It'll kick soon I hope :)
  • sarahdatace
    TODAY is the first day. Sometimes that it is all it takes. START today. Stop beating yourself up over the past! Everyone here has let themselves go at one point or another. Otherwise, we wouldn't be on this site just like you. Take it one day at at time. I know you can do it. You have already made the first step by coming here and asking for support. You want this change. We all want this change. We want to stop boredom eating and letting food control our life. We have to stop making excuses and make it it happen. Start today. And message me tomorrow and let me know about how you did, ok?? You can do it. I will do it with you!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Please stop beating yourself up for how you feel and for actions or inactions. You've owned up to your circumstances, and acceptance is the first step to change. So maybe you needed to rant today. Maybe you needed to get this off your chest to be able to move on. Maybe you needed to write this all down so you can print your post, and rip the page to shreds, then start anew. I've missed hearing from you. Glad you're back. You know you can do this!
  • eahile
    eahile Posts: 2
    make small goals - as one of the other posters said, pick one thing each week and work on that. ... This week, promise to track everything. Next week, track everything and stay within your calories at least 3 days. Next week make it 6 days. Next week, exercise at least 3 times. Next week, eat all your fruits and veggies. Etc etc Celebrate every time you meet your goal! If you don't meet it, keep that goal going for the next week and work harder then celebrate. :)

    I love this advice! (will help ME not feel like such a failure all the time!) thanks!
  • AimeeCofer

    Best of luck! Sending positive thoughts your way!