Shapewear is awesome!

Okay, so I recently joined MFP as I am really serious about losing about 15 pounds (seriously, not going to give up this time around). A few weeks ago I ordered a couple of girdle-type garments (Flakisimi waist cinchers) after doing some random googling about girdles and shapewear. Based on wanting more definition in my midsection-RIGHT NOW!!-and also wanting to give my back more support (I have a chronic back problem), I figured I'd give them a shot. Anyhow, I've never used shapewear and was kind of dubious. Let me just say to any of you who are already doing the hard work of eating well and working out that adding some kind of high-quality shapewear could be a great idea! I am on Day Three of wearing my shapewear and I feel better, feel more confident and am more aware of my body and my midsection area in a positive way. I am pretty sure that just being more upbeat about how I look will help me continue making good decisions about portions and food as I get further and further down the weight-loss road. Frankly, it's nice to see what my midsection could look like in my clothes if I lost weight. Seriously, it's so encouraging to look at myself in my clothes and see the kind of midsection that I am aiming to get as a result of losing weight. And, this morning, one of colleagues told me that I looked I was losing weight! Yeah!

Anyone else out there tried shapewear and had a similar experience?