How do I get my husband on board?

He created an account, but doesn't use it. I know that realistically the only person that can "get him on board" is him, but I keep trying to encourage him to watch what he eats, or to exercise more and it's like talking to a brick wall. Last night he was complaining that his pants were fitting tighter and I bet they are because his belly is getting a little more rounded (his joke is he's due to give birth in 4 more months). When I tell him he should exercise for more than 30 minutes once a month, his come back is, "I guess I should quit going to college and quit going to work". And I do understand the time commitment it takes as I recently started back to work after being laid off for a year. Since then, I've been struggling to get my exercise in and it's currently very random when I am able to exercise due to getting used to a new schedule and the fact that its dark when I get home so I can't get out for an evening run like I do in the summer/fall months. Slowly but surely I've been rebuilding my time to exercise so I don't understand why for him it's so difficult to carve out 30 minutes, 2 to 3 x a week, but more importantly to just watch what he eats. He lays on the cheese like it's the last meal he's ever going to eat, pours large bowls of cereal .. etc.
Obviously he see's it works, I'm proof -- and I know the old addage of you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it is true -- but are there any suggestions to be had to maybe persuade him to perhaps TRY the water?? (and trust me... he really needs to try water -- pop, sweet tea, and chocolate milk are his drink staples)


  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    I had the same problem with my husband. Ultimately HE had to be the one to decide that he wanted to workout and feel better about himself. I did my share of pleading with him to come to the gym with me. I'm not sure what happened but one day after begging him to come he finally said that he would. One he started working out and feeling better, he kept up with it. Maybe morning workouts would help with your scheduling issue.

    I would also suggest getting the 'bad' food out of your house and replace it with healthier options.
    I know it's not a lot, but I know exactly what you're going through. Just hang in there and keep asking him to workout with you. Good luck.
  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    I totally understand. My husband works a lot and wants no part of eating healthy or excercise. It is very frustrating!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I can totally relate. My situation is different due to hubby's health issues and the resulting inability to get any kind of exercise right now. Movement in general is painful for him. He's been pretty much housebound for 3 months and has gained a lot of weight. Of course, I love him no matter what, but I'm worried about him. I understand that a lot of the eating is boredom and frustration, but what he's eating and the amount he's eating is completely out of control.

    I think for anyone, but especially our husbands, they have to do the same thing I did (and maybe you did the same): look in the mirror one day and say "this has to stop...I'm killing myself....and I want to live a long, healthy, active's time for me to make it happen". We can encourage them to join us on our fitness journey, but any more than that will come off as nagging and will probably send them to the 'fridge.

    I guess that means my best advice is for you to give him time and to continue to get fit yourself. Hopefully, he'll look at you one day and think "Wow...if I want to hold on to my hot wife, I better get in shape....if I want to be part of her healthy lifestyle, I better get busy....if I want to spend the rest of a long life with her, I better get healthy".
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    your post is so similar to my situation i could have written it myself lol
    my husband makes the joke about his pregnant belly and every now and again he will go on a "im going to start working out" rampage which ends up that the only thing getting a workout is his mouth saying he is going to work out lol
    thankfully he has started working in a job where he is on his feet and walking around a lot more so at least he is getting more active throughout the day:smile::wink:
    i think all we can do is be supportive of them and their ideas and hopefully they decide to drink the water sooner rather than later.
    i just hope he doesn't derail my efforts with the temptations he brings into the house in the meantime haha

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  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I'm on the total opposite end of the spectrum but it's still the same problem and it's starting to make me feel really sad and frustrated. When I ran that race in my profile pic, my bf (we have lived together for ~9months) was at a friend's house on the course watching, drinking beer and smoking. :/ He's super duper skinny (6' tall and ~165-170lbs) and plays in a band so sometimes he just skips meals or at other times eats EVERYTHING because "he can" and I just throw my arms up and feel fat because I can't. He complains that he has no muscle, and at this point, he's right, but I can't make him do strength training. I feel lost and confused and I want a partner in this, but despite my efforts, he still smokes and eats erratically and runs but doesn't lift. Sigh...I'm lost.

    ETA: He eats everything I cook and tells me I'm beautiful, but in the end, I want him to quit smoking and exercise with me dammit. :)