Want to try Yoga... where to start?



  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    If Bikram yoga is so bad, then no one should do yoga on a hot summer's day.... ;)
  • ChubbyMamma
    fyi, @ womenshealth.com theres an article that tells you of the different typr of yoga there is...

    heres the link

  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    DO NOT start with a DVD. DO NOT.

    Pick a class and let the instructor know you're new. Every pose has a modification for beginners and people with less strength and flexibility.

    I AGREE!!!! I am a yoga instructor (I teach hatha yoga) please do NOT start with a DVD. An instructor can be there to correct any poses that are done incorrectly. Most all instructors I know are very good with beginners!

    I teach 2-3 times a week and have practiced yoga for over a decade. I credit my reduction in pain with my Fibromyalgia to regular yoga :)
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I have always wondered about yoga. My mother does it 5 days a week and loves it. (The hot yoga where the temp is like 106)

    Question for those of you that do yoga at home - is it still relaxing to you at home with distractions around you? I have a 5 yr old and a husband and well, it's never quiet. I'd assume it'd be hard to focus?

    Maybe I'll sign up for yoga one day a week. It'd be nice for a change. And if I ever get up the courage to not pass out, I'll try hot yoga with my mother.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I tried out yoga by reading a magazine article when I was in middle school It had a few poses that were suitable for a magazine description. When I was younger I thought it was boring. After college I took a few beginner series classes and end up taking classes sometimes or practice at home about 1x-2x a week. I absolutely love these Yoga Cards, and I have had them for 10+ years. http://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Deck-Poses-Meditations-Spirit/dp/0811828891

    Personally I think it is safe to practice some yoga poses from a DVD. Others definitely require some hands on instruction. What I found most helpful about the classes was learning how to focus on my breathing, which isn't usually well explained in the videos or books.

    My 2 cents. But the Yoga deck is great. It groups the cards into different types. Grab a few cards and build your own yoga workout!
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I have always wondered about yoga. My mother does it 5 days a week and loves it. (The hot yoga where the temp is like 106)

    Question for those of you that do yoga at home - is it still relaxing to you at home with distractions around you? I have a 5 yr old and a husband and well, it's never quiet. I'd assume it'd be hard to focus?

    Maybe I'll sign up for yoga one day a week. It'd be nice for a change. And if I ever get up the courage to not pass out, I'll try hot yoga with my mother.

    the energy of the group you're practicing with is also important. imo, yoga is also about community and is not only a solitary practice. the same practice, ie the same series of postures, is different every time your practice if only because the energy and the mood in the studio is different. i find that practicing in a group also makes it possible for me to rely on this joint energy for my own practice. i'm not explaining it well, but that's how it feels to me.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Whenever I picture Yoga, I picture teeny tiny girls and buff guys being all bendy...

    Is it really difficult for someone with a few curves to do?
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Whenever I picture Yoga, I picture teeny tiny girls and buff guys being all bendy...

    Is it really difficult for someone with a few curves to do?

    no, but give yourself time. more than a few people "with a few curves" in my class.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    If you are trying to pick a discipline but not sure if Tai Chi, Pilates or Yoga is the go, check out Les Mills' Body Balance which is a combination of all 3.

    My balance is not very good and shoulders weak (amongst other things) but they have alternative moves for the 'less able' in many areas.

    Happy hunting !
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I got some TenZen/Gaiam dvd's to start out with. They're easy enough that beginners can do it, and challenging enough that they show you results.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    www.doyogawithme.com - free yoga classes online!!

    this is a great website for people just starting out and also for those who have been doing yoga for some time. Its free to watch and join in with the video's (which are mostly all set in beautiful scenary with excellent instructors.) There is even a section where they show you how to do some of the poses. I use this website a lot, you will be fine as a beginner. Hope you enjoy :-)
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I agree with others who recommend taking a class before going the DVD route. It absolutely helps when a teacher can give proper instruction and make adjustments and corrections to your poses as you learn them. It's really hard to see what you are doing right and wrong in the beginning. You never want to get in the habit of doing bad poses. You also learn breathing techniques to go with it. When I first started, I was constantly re-adjusting myself. The atmosphere of the studio and the teacher is beneficial too:)

    Try looking up a yoga studio in your area or a community centre that offers classes. Hatha yoga seems to be the most common type being offered and is suitable for all levels. Some places specifically offer beginner series of classes. If you're worried about costs, most studios offer free trial classes or special intro rates and community centres tend to be more affordable. If you're simply worried about walking into a class, do know that a yoga class, especially a beginner one, should never feel intimidating. It's a practice, not a competition sport. And yoga practitioners come in all shapes and sizes -- in my experience, how you look never determines your abilities. Just like how a skinny or a buff person can't necessarily run a marathon.

    Best of luck and as there are many types of yoga, classes and teachers, I'm sure you'll find one to your liking:)

    good resource: http://www.yogajournal.com/
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I truly think yoga is something that is best done in a class, or at least in a one on one session with an instructor. DVDs were always such a huge distraction to me! When I was a terribly poor college student, I couldn't afford classes anymore haha so I did use DVDs then and there was one I absolutely adored, but that was honestly a last resort situation.

    See if you can find someone to go with! It won't make it AS daunting when you first go in,
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Though some here have said you need to take a class, I did not. I think the instruction on this video is very good. I know I would never have done yoga if I had to take a class to start.

    Just because you think you're doing the poses correctly and it feels like you are, that doesn't mean you are. Believe me.

    It's DANGEROUS to try on your own before taking a class. I don't know what part of that people don't understand. It's stress-relieving and gentle, but it's not easy.

    If you have a background in something like ballet, you MIGHT be OK trying it on your own, but you still are likely not doing the poses correctly without hands-on instruction.

    There's no reason to be afraid to go to a class. You likely will not be the only beginner. And the wonderful thing about this exercise is that it's all about not judging others. It's entirely about doing the best YOU can do, not competing with others.

    I have been doing this beginner DVD for 2 years and have never once felt in danger. The postions are explained well and you move slowly from position to position.

    Of course we should have no fear of taking a class. Nor should it bother us to exercise in front of our husbands. And none of us should have any trouble loosing weight. Unfortunatly many of do have these phobias and issues. A well instructed DVD can be a great way to experience something new for those us that are intimidated by taking a class.

    It does not matter how good the instruction is. YOU CANNOT SEE YOURSELF. You just can't. This is a bad idea. I love yoga and I would love for everyone to give it a try. But I cannot endorse someone who has never done yoga before "learning" from a DVD. You cannot learn it properly from a DVD.

    Obviously, you haven't injured yourself, but you very likely aren't doing all the poses correctly, no matter how good the instructions are.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Whenever I picture Yoga, I picture teeny tiny girls and buff guys being all bendy...

    Is it really difficult for someone with a few curves to do?

    When I was heavier, I couldn't get quite as deep into the twisting poses, but that's the only thing I noticed. And that certainly never negatively impacted my practice.

    That's what's wonderful about yoga: Every pose has a modification for people of all abilities. There are even yoga classes directed at seniors who have brittle bones, people with all kinds of disabiltiies. You name it, there's a yoga for it. :-)

    I would say in the beginning, you might want to get a brick and a strap, but they're not necessary, just helpful.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I have always wondered about yoga. My mother does it 5 days a week and loves it. (The hot yoga where the temp is like 106)

    Question for those of you that do yoga at home - is it still relaxing to you at home with distractions around you? I have a 5 yr old and a husband and well, it's never quiet. I'd assume it'd be hard to focus?

    Maybe I'll sign up for yoga one day a week. It'd be nice for a change. And if I ever get up the courage to not pass out, I'll try hot yoga with my mother.

    For me it is very relaxing doing yoga t home. But I do it when my house is empty - my kids are older. I think for you to enjoy it at home, you would need to do it when hubby is out and your 5 year old is napping,
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Whenever I picture Yoga, I picture teeny tiny girls and buff guys being all bendy...

    Is it really difficult for someone with a few curves to do?

    I am neither tiny nor buff. I think its more a questionof flexibilty rather than curves. I know it was a struggle at first for me but it becomes easier over time.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Whenever I picture Yoga, I picture teeny tiny girls and buff guys being all bendy...

    Is it really difficult for someone with a few curves to do?

    When I was heavier, I couldn't get quite as deep into the twisting poses, but that's the only thing I noticed. And that certainly never negatively impacted my practice.

    That's what's wonderful about yoga: Every pose has a modification for people of all abilities. There are even yoga classes directed at seniors who have brittle bones, people with all kinds of disabiltiies. You name it, there's a yoga for it. :-)

    I would say in the beginning, you might want to get a brick and a strap, but they're not necessary, just helpful.

    I used both a brick and a strap when I started. After about a few months I did not need either.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I'm going to add to the voices saying take a class - you will get so much more out of it. The ashtanga I do is not a strict Mysore practice, so even in this there is a lot of variation from week to week and a focus on different elements.

    I've only been practicing a year (but had been doing pilates for about 2 years before this), and started with ashtanga - there are still plenty of modifications to make it do-able for beginners. I think the most important thing is to find information on the various styles and try the one (or several) which look like they might be right for you.
  • eawilkrsn
    i agree. Do Not start with a dvd. The beginners yoga class offered at my gym was great. the instructor showed me how to position my body so each move would be most effective. (and i wouldn't hurt myself) I love it. :)