Wife Just Not Getting Results



  • dschille
    Okay......SHE (is me)!!!!!!! Let's get all my thoughts out there! Am I cheating?? No, I have been very truthful in my recording!! I have now for one week added daily exercise and tommorow I my "weigh-in" so we will see! Zero results?? No there have been some! As much as I like or as much as I know I can lose!? NO...4yrs ago i lost 96pounds! Extreme (biggest loser type exercise multiple times a day)! It was a competition! (I won the game and it was over-went back to my ways)! Now at 34 I want a lifestyle change!!!! Not for the "game" so that is why irbid slower to come off! I think! I did accually eat around 1000 calories a day then! I'm making it a healthy calorie intake now, which is why I'm more frustrated it is slow coming off! I Do have a dr appt set up so that is good! My water intake is not the best and I drink diet coke like nothing! Now this last week one diet coke a day! So...will see why tommorow brings! Anyone wanting to be a friend add me! ;) extra support and ideas are welcome!!
  • Bjfavara
    Bjfavara Posts: 22 Member
    Drop the diet coke and drink more water.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well, there are many reasons why she isn't seeing any results.

    She's under estimating her caloric intake and over estimating her calorie burns.

    It's possible that she's not eating enough. At 315lbs, I'm guessing she probably needs more than 1400 calories a day. First thing I would do is check her BMR (you can do that here). After that, I would find out her TDEE (this is your BMR times your activity level). Once both of those are determined - deduct 500 calories off and go from there.

    So, if her BMR is 1600 and her TDEE is 2400, she needs to be eating around 1900-2000 NET calories.

    Has she been eating back her exercise calories? If not, I would give that a shot too.

    Creating too large of a calorie deficit often causes a slow down or even stall in weight loss. I know that it would seem you could do it and lose faster, but it doesn't happen that way. Our bodies NEED fuel in order to function properly. Not functioning properly will result in little to no weight loss.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I would have her checked for diabetes, thyroid issues, and PCOS. PCOS is caused by insulin resistance. She would need an insulin glucose tolerance test to test her insulin response. High levels of insulin make weight loss almost impossible. I have PCOS (but not diabetes) and take a diabetes drug, Metformin, to control my insulin levels. The medication makes weight loss possible (still not easy, but possible). I also have Hashimoto's thyroiditis which was working against me.

    I agree, PCOS makes weight loss almost impossible. And the odds of having it as a women are staggering, it is something like 2/5 women have it, and most don't know.

    It was blatantly obvious for me from the time I was 14. Most women with PCOS have ovulation issues, and most of those start before the weight gain. I guess those women wouldn't necessarily know they have PCOS though - they likely don't seek out a Dr until they try to have children.

    I have PCOS and it has been a challenge every step of the way but have gotten 52 lbs off so far...it's not impossible. I would definitely get her to a doctor, AND get her to have her own account on here where she can track every single crumb that goes into her mouth, it's amazing the things we put in our mouths without thinking...it adds up quickly!!! Best of luck to you both!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Okay......SHE (is me)!!!!!!! Let's get all my thoughts out there! Am I cheating?? No, I have been very truthful in my recording!! I have now for one week added daily exercise and tommorow I my "weigh-in" so we will see! Zero results?? No there have been some! As much as I like or as much as I know I can lose!? NO...4yrs ago i lost 96pounds! Extreme (biggest loser type exercise multiple times a day)! It was a competition! (I won the game and it was over-went back to my ways)! Now at 34 I want a lifestyle change!!!! Not for the "game" so that is why irbid slower to come off! I think! I did accually eat around 1000 calories a day then! I'm making it a healthy calorie intake now, which is why I'm more frustrated it is slow coming off! I Do have a dr appt set up so that is good! My water intake is not the best and I drink diet coke like nothing! Now this last week one diet coke a day! So...will see why tommorow brings! Anyone wanting to be a friend add me! ;) extra support and ideas are welcome!!

    Very glad to hear from you. :) Not that we don't want to talk to your husband, it's just easier to talk to you yourself. My husband has this problem-- he has recently started eating healthy and exercising. In the past he did HCG and he got it in his head that "normal" is 1 lb per day loss. So when he only lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks he thought he was doing something wrong, when actually, he's doing everything right. It's ok if your progress is slower than when you ate a VLCD. Try to relax and not get frustrated by the slower progress. Do you mind sharing how much you've lost? (and I haven't checked but is your diary viewable?)
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Hey, you posted while I was typing my reply. I'm so glad to see that you are on here!! Diet coke...it really should not be allowed to have the word "diet" in it...It doesn't have the calories, but it's just as bad, if not worse than regular coke. Also, another reason why you are not losing as fast as you want is you've done this before and gained it back. Every time you do that to your body it makes it harder the next time...Stick with it, you WILL get there, and make the change forever so that there isn't a next time that is even harder. Best of luck...you CAN do this :)
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Okay......SHE (is me)!!!!!!! Let's get all my thoughts out there! Am I cheating?? No, I have been very truthful in my recording!! I have now for one week added daily exercise and tommorow I my "weigh-in" so we will see! Zero results?? No there have been some! As much as I like or as much as I know I can lose!? NO...4yrs ago i lost 96pounds! Extreme (biggest loser type exercise multiple times a day)! It was a competition! (I won the game and it was over-went back to my ways)! Now at 34 I want a lifestyle change!!!! Not for the "game" so that is why irbid slower to come off! I think! I did accually eat around 1000 calories a day then! I'm making it a healthy calorie intake now, which is why I'm more frustrated it is slow coming off! I Do have a dr appt set up so that is good! My water intake is not the best and I drink diet coke like nothing! Now this last week one diet coke a day! So...will see why tommorow brings! Anyone wanting to be a friend add me! ;) extra support and ideas are welcome!!

    Making a complete lifestyle change can make weight come off slower just because you are doing it a way that you will be able to live with forever instead of starving yourself to lose weight. Get more water and get rid of that 1 diet coke a day!! Sugar substitutes do not help with weight loss at all. Start eliminating processed foods and you will definitely see a bigger difference in your weight loss (but don't expect it to just fall off like before!). You can do it, it will just take patience (easier said than done, I know!) Good luck! :drinker:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Okay......SHE (is me)!!!!!!! Let's get all my thoughts out there! Am I cheating?? No, I have been very truthful in my recording!! I have now for one week added daily exercise and tommorow I my "weigh-in" so we will see! Zero results?? No there have been some! As much as I like or as much as I know I can lose!? NO...4yrs ago i lost 96pounds! Extreme (biggest loser type exercise multiple times a day)! It was a competition! (I won the game and it was over-went back to my ways)! Now at 34 I want a lifestyle change!!!! Not for the "game" so that is why irbid slower to come off! I think! I did accually eat around 1000 calories a day then! I'm making it a healthy calorie intake now, which is why I'm more frustrated it is slow coming off! I Do have a dr appt set up so that is good! My water intake is not the best and I drink diet coke like nothing! Now this last week one diet coke a day! So...will see why tommorow brings! Anyone wanting to be a friend add me! ;) extra support and ideas are welcome!!

    I certainly will not discount your experience! My mother is like this. She had no problems losing until she hit 40 (older than you, but still), then it seemed like nothing would work. Years of chronic undereating (my mother ate the wrong food, not too much food) and yo-yo dieting had kind of made her metabolism strange. I would certainly go to see a doctor. And other than that, I would:

    1. Keep with a steady programme, whatever it is. Make note of how you feel and the outcome, and make changes slowly and methodically. Don't be tempted to change your diet every week (...vegan one week, atkins week 2, 17 day diet week 3, cabbage soup diet week 4) trying to "make" the weight come off.
    2. Do NOT undereat in frustration. It will just make things worse. Eat enough! Women are more efficient than men...with less food, we hang onto life and "endure" with fewer calories.

    You can do this. Just be patient AND smart.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I agree with the comments about PCOS -- get checked for that.
    If you are pre-diabetic or type II and you have PCOS it is almost impossible to lose weight.
    I had both.....
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hey, you posted while I was typing my reply. I'm so glad to see that you are on here!! Diet coke...it really should not be allowed to have the word "diet" in it...It doesn't have the calories, but it's just as bad, if not worse than regular coke.

    Not true. Every study done on the so-called 'bad' chemicals in diet soft drink have shown it's perfectly safe and does not cause weight gain/sugar cravings ect.

    And drinking something that is 161calories (for a can in Australia) vs something that has no calories. No, nowhere NEAR as bad.

    If you open your diary you'll get much better, specified advice from people on here.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    we don't have enough information here to answer.

    she should join this site herself and show her food diary. and she should also go to a doctor.

    I have PCOS, wwas diagnosed years ago. a pretty bad case. It is hard to lose weight, yes, but it hould not be THAT hard. something doesn't add up.
  • richelle67
    Hi, I think it is great that 1) your husband is concerned and wanted to help you with this journey and he is doing it too 2) you spoke up and identified yourself and answered questions others has responded with:smile: . It is frustrating when it doesn't come off like we want. Just hang in there and it will happen for you. I hope the dr can answer any questions you may have why this is not working in your favor. Hopefully it will be a simple answer. Add me as a friend if you would like more support, the more support, the better!
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    I would also suggest seeing a doctor. I had the same problem when I started. I worked for six months with NO results. And I seriously mean no results. I never cheated and I worked out daily, I measured my food too. But, nothing changed. I went to the doctor and found out that I have PCOS. The change for me was simple, no more processed carbs. That did it. I started dropping weight almost immediately (wihin the first week I cut the processed food from my diet). So, perhaps it is something along those lines. Good luck!

    Is processed carbs just like white bread, rice, cakes, pastries, etc?
    I have PCOS too, but my doctor prescribed me simply with a birth control to regulate my hormones.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Is processed carbs just like white bread, rice, cakes, pastries, etc?
    I have PCOS too, but my doctor prescribed me simply with a birth control to regulate my hormones.

    Yes. Avoid anything white in it if you have PCOS. Also use the GI index.
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member

    It was blatantly obvious for me from the time I was 14. Most women with PCOS have ovulation issues, and most of those start before the weight gain. I guess those women wouldn't necessarily know they have PCOS though - they likely don't seek out a Dr until they try to have children.

    It wasn't as obvious to me at 14, but it sure was suspicious to my mom, who is a OBGYN nurse assistant. My periods would skip a month after every 2 months, and I started getting thicker just around my middle (even when I was overall thin and "healthy")
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    Is processed carbs just like white bread, rice, cakes, pastries, etc?
    I have PCOS too, but my doctor prescribed me simply with a birth control to regulate my hormones.

    Yes. Avoid anything white in it if you have PCOS. Also use the GI index.

    Thank you, luckily I have been aware of GI index lately...and i had my fasting glucose blood work tested, and it had improved! :)
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Wow - you got lots of advice! I don't have any to give - other than don't give up on yourself!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    with all respect to your doctor, (I assume he/she is an OB/GYN), you need to go to another doctor. BCP are not an adequte treatment for PCOS, and for some reason OB/GYNs are very behind the times (and the science) on this. BCP control ONE of the symptoms (irregular periods) but NONE of the underllying problem. Over the long term, insulin resistance is bad for your health in many ways. You are at a FAR increased risk for type 2 diabetes, and also at a higher risk for heart disease and certain cancers.

    The proper treatment usually includes medication to address insulin resistance, and a low carb diet.

    Please go to an endocrinologist and get the proper treatment.

    Is processed carbs just like white bread, rice, cakes, pastries, etc?
    I have PCOS too, but my doctor prescribed me simply with a birth control to regulate my hormones.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    We've been mfp friends for a little bit now and I've seen how well you do. Give it time! It's not going to happen over night (oh how I wish it would).....but you're doing a great job! xo
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    is she using MFP as well? maybe she will post something about her own frustrations and then we could take a closer look at some of the possible reasons.