Starting to always feel hungry... Metabolism?

Hey everyone
I'm in my 3rd week now and I'm noticing that not long after eating meals I'm feeling very hungry. I've started usually grabbing a small snack when this happens because I'm trying to eat more than just 1200 calories now after much needed advice! However I was wondering... Does this mean I'm finally revving my metabolism or is my body telling me I'm starving and I need to eat (and whatever I eat it's going to hold on to?)
Any advice/shared experiences would be great!


  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    That is possible. Just make sure you do eat when you are hungry and just keep healthy stuff around. I try to keep a small bowl of healthy "trail mix" around. Typicaly has almonds, unsalted sunflower seeds, soy bean, craisins, raisins, ect. All unsalted. It helps keep me from eating late at night when I cant fall asleep (my husband works nights so I dont always go right to sleep).
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    When I started I could eat 1200 cals and not feel hungry but the more weight I lose the hungrier I feel, I guess it is becasue you don't have the same amount of fat for your body to grab to supplement what you are eating. The closer I am to my goal weight the more I eat! If you are eating healthy and still feeling hungry you should listen to your body and eat! 1200 cals is very low to stay at for a prolonged period of time fi you don't have alot to lose!
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