Feeling very down and fat today

Hey guys this is the first day of my 3 week diet so far that I have felt down and wanting to eat loads! I have had a glass of wine and a chocolate bar but must stop eating now. What do you do when you have had a real bad day and your normal way before was to stuff your face with fatty foods? Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.


  • amymlott
    amymlott Posts: 30 Member
    drink pleanty of water find u some healthy snacks that you like i am really bad about eating chocolate i eat a little every now and then just dont go crazy with it most of the time when i get like that i am bord get up and find something to do!!! good luck with your diet and personally i encourage u to join one of the groups on mfp and join a challange i am in one and we have teams so i have people depending on me to lose weight and we all support and motivate each other every day i am on week 4 and i usually only last 2 weeks
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    When I get really upset, I have an album of funny pictures from all over the internet that make me laugh until my sides hurt and tears are rolling down my face. My attention is focused on that instead of eating and when I'm done, I feel like getting up and doing something active. So why not start a folder on your desktop and save pictures that make you smile, laugh, motivate you, or just look pretty?
  • Karoline01
    Karoline01 Posts: 41 Member
    I'd say keep a lot of healthy snacks so when you feel like eating you will be eating those and not the bad ones taht makes us gain weight. I bought these yummy 100 calories brownies last weekend, and i eat 1 when I want something sweet, try looking for 100 calories snacks or have fruits instead, that helps me with my sweets cravings.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    When I feel like that I go and workout. It makes feel better and drink lots of water. Sometimes I just might have a small bite of chocolate ...
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I head for the gym and exhaust myself. It takes my mind off whatever is bothering me and relaxes me.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks guys, I have had a better day today. I think I will try the picture thing! I have loads on facebook that would cheer me up, thanks for the advice.