
LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
How is it that I weigh the same thing I did a week ago? I'm eating SO healthy, and I'm working out at least 3 times a week, so I don't really understand why I didn't even lose a single pound!! I only started this journey 3 weeks ago, and although I knew I would hit a brick wall, I didn't think it would be this soon! TALK ABOUT DISCOURAGING!! I am really trying for the first time to look better and feel better, but it's really hard when I don't see the numbers on the scale in to show it.

So, I'm wondering if it's because I've been eating my exercise calories? I've been told different things by different people about whether or not to eat my exercise calories, so maybe that's where I've gone wrong...

I almost feel like giving up already. Maybe I'm not supposed to be skinny :-(


  • LinzyB24
    LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
    How is it that I weigh the same thing I did a week ago? I'm eating SO healthy, and I'm working out at least 3 times a week, so I don't really understand why I didn't even lose a single pound!! I only started this journey 3 weeks ago, and although I knew I would hit a brick wall, I didn't think it would be this soon! TALK ABOUT DISCOURAGING!! I am really trying for the first time to look better and feel better, but it's really hard when I don't see the numbers on the scale in to show it.

    So, I'm wondering if it's because I've been eating my exercise calories? I've been told different things by different people about whether or not to eat my exercise calories, so maybe that's where I've gone wrong...

    I almost feel like giving up already. Maybe I'm not supposed to be skinny :-(
  • Today I weighed in, and it was basically the same story... I have cheater days, but that's on the weekend. One thing though, are you losing inches? I've noticed that though I'm not losing hardly ANY weight, I'm losing inches... I've been able to get into 'Skinny' Skirts... and Muscle weighs more than fat... But I too have hit a brick wall, and WANT TO DROP THE WEIGHT. So... SOMEONE HELP! :explode:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Don't give up and get frustrated. First off, maybe instead of thinking "skinny" think "healthy" and start looking at improvements in your body, your energy, and your mind. Then step away from the scale and keep doing what you're doing. It will come in time. The eating or don't eat your exercise calories is truly something each person has to play with. I personally don't, but on the days I exercise, I eat a little more than my 1400 to compensate. You're doing great!!! Keep going. And keep us posted with all your small and big successes.
  • LinzyB24
    LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
    I've not checked my inches, but maybe I should try that. I'm just a little worried that I'm going to give up, and it's only week 3 :-(
  • codykitty
    codykitty Posts: 729
    I'm in the same boat....I do everything right and simply maintain, it is the most frustrating thing ever.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Linzy....don't be discouraged, your body has to adjust to the changes you are making and it takes time in forming those new habits. Do yourself a favor. Get out the tape measure, and measure your neck, wrist, arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, write down your present clothing sizes, blouse, skirt, pants, write down your shoe size and then in two weeks or 1 month, measure again.

    Don't put all your focus on one means of measuring your success. How are you feeling? Are you sleeping better, have the cravings been more for good food, rather than junk food (those empty calories), do you have more energy, better mood? :happy:

    Why you need to eat your exercise calories or replenish them is to keep your caloric intake where it needs to be. If for example you are on a 1,500 calorie diet, and you exercise and burn 500 calories then you have only 1,000 calories in your daily total and it is too low, your body will go into the starvation mode and hold everything, or you can then be burning muscle instead of fat. It is a complex cycle I know, but try to stay within your caloric range as closely as possible. From what I see you are doing well.....just Don't Give Up. :love:

    Another suggestion: are you drinking your water? I know some programs say that you can count every beverage same as water, but just yesterday I said to myself drinking my tea, "its not water" try to get in 8 glasses of water or more per day. If you don't like your water plain, you can add a twist of lemon or lime to flavor......As you exercise your cells need quinches your thirst and helps you feel full.

    I have two groups called "Let's Get Real" and "Inches Away".....I welcome you to join us!!!
    I really hope you find my words helpful and you really are doing well, just hang in there!!!
    best wishes for a happy healthy YOU!

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    you have to give yourself time- It doesn't happen overnight- When you eat your exercise calories are you sure you are logging the correct amount of calories burned? Do you wear a HRM while working out?

    You have to find what works best for you- so if that means eating the extra calories, eating some, or not eating any - MFP is just a guide you have to tweak it to your individual needs.
  • I'm very frustrated in addition to being depressed. I've been working out for about 3 weeks now 5 days and have taken in about 1400 to 1800 calories with a few exceptions of cheating. I understand my weight has accumulated over time and the same happens when trying to lose, but this seems to be the slowest for me. On April 6, it will be 1 year since I quit smoking and I wanted a few less pounds to show that I'm working towards ridding the weight I gained after quitting. Yesterday, I was close to crying and very depressed.
  • lanasgurl
    lanasgurl Posts: 19 Member
    I know that for myself and my daughter who I am doing this with, the biggest inspiration for us is by looking at this as a lifestyle change and not a diet. We focus only making healthy choices even if it is something that we feel is a treat. By recognizing that the calories taken in must be used encourages us to exercise more to make sure we dont go over the amount of calories we have taken in. We have actually found it hard to meet the minimum calories for the day by just stopping and looking at the choices we make for the day. Neither one of us have seen a significant weight lose but we can definitely tell it in our clothes. We are more committed to tracking our inches lost and have lost several inches in the past 3 weeks.
    Don't look at "giving up" as an option any more than breathing is an option. Find creative ways to have the foods you love but in a healthier manner whether it be portion control (our hardest task) or a healthier way to prepare it.

    Best wishes to you!
  • Snags
    Snags Posts: 43
    dont give up on it you will lose if you stick to it ill hit a major wall after i lose about 25 lbs and it does get frustrating and you think ohh i look better what the heck but stick to it it will come off.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    How is it that I weigh the same thing I did a week ago? I'm eating SO healthy, and I'm working out at least 3 times a week, so I don't really understand why I didn't even lose a single pound!! I only started this journey 3 weeks ago, and although I knew I would hit a brick wall, I didn't think it would be this soon! TALK ABOUT DISCOURAGING!! I am really trying for the first time to look better and feel better, but it's really hard when I don't see the numbers on the scale in to show it.

    So, I'm wondering if it's because I've been eating my exercise calories? I've been told different things by different people about whether or not to eat my exercise calories, so maybe that's where I've gone wrong...

    I almost feel like giving up already. Maybe I'm not supposed to be skinny :-(

    Don't give up!!! I know how you feel. My first week of eating right I lost 5 pounds. Then, the next two weeks I didn't lose anything:grumble: . But I stuck with it. I could tell a difference in my clothes, but not on the scales. I started losing again on the forth, fifth, and sixth weeks and now last week I did not lose anything:sad: , but I did lose inches and can fit into a pair of jeans, that I bought as motivation, that I could not fit into just 2 weeks ago:bigsmile: . So, don't give up eating right and exercising. Think about the way you feel when you eat right and exercise. It will pay off!!:flowerforyou:
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    How is it that I weigh the same thing I did a week ago? I'm eating SO healthy, and I'm working out at least 3 times a week, so I don't really understand why I didn't even lose a single pound!! I only started this journey 3 weeks ago, and although I knew I would hit a brick wall, I didn't think it would be this soon! TALK ABOUT DISCOURAGING!! I am really trying for the first time to look better and feel better, but it's really hard when I don't see the numbers on the scale in to show it.

    So, I'm wondering if it's because I've been eating my exercise calories? I've been told different things by different people about whether or not to eat my exercise calories, so maybe that's where I've gone wrong...

    I almost feel like giving up already. Maybe I'm not supposed to be skinny :-(

    Don't give up!!! I know how you feel. My first week of eating right I lost 5 pounds. Then, the next two weeks I didn't lose anything:grumble: . But I stuck with it. I could tell a difference in my clothes, but not on the scales. I started losing again on the forth, fifth, and sixth weeks and now last week I did not lose anything:sad: , but I did lose inches and can fit into a pair of jeans, that I bought as motivation, that I could not fit into just 2 weeks ago:bigsmile: . So, don't give up eating right and exercising. Think about the way you feel when you eat right and exercise. It will pay off!!:flowerforyou:
    I completely agree, the first two weeks, I lost 8 pounds, the next actually was not eating enough calories, and this week, I dropped another 2 pounds...Best to you always,
  • LinzyB24
    LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
    You all make me REALLY thankful that I found this web site. I really appreciate all of the encouraging words. It means more than you know. :happy:
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