What do you fantasize about eating?

johnjohngarcia Posts: 57 Member
Maybe I love to torture my self but I love to fantasize about food. Today I could kill for a thick jucy hamburger. The kind that leaves grease running down your arms as you hold it up. What do you crave?


  • JayKay60
    JayKay60 Posts: 15 Member
    Sadly, I don't just fantasize, I give in :( I have been terrible these past months as I'm an emotional eater going through a break-up!!

    When I'm in a good place, diet-wise, I find I can fantasize about food and that satisfies the craving. With me it's usually cakes - I lived in France most of my life and they do the most amazing patisseries, so fantasising about a delicious chausson aux pommes (sort of apple turnover) or the crumbliest flakiest croissant is high on my list. Oh dear. I'm feeling hungry lol.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I tend to get normal cravings that pass, and major cravings that I know, as soon as they arrive, won't go away until I've dealt with them.

    If it's a normal craving I get over it. If it's a major craving I set a date I'll allow myself to deal with it, and make myself hold out. I've been waiting a month for a delicious takeaway pizza, and I'm finally getting one on Tuesday!!!
  • jobie4153
    My cravings: lasagna, warm gingerbread topped with homemade whipped cream and turtles (the chocolate/carmel/nut clusters I used to get at a local candy shop). Last night, as I munched an almond, I pretended it was part of a turtle! Haven't given in yet, though.
  • mollyb33
    Everyday I crave Garlic Cheese Fries. Three of my favorite things in the world put together to tempt me away from my healthy habits. How I miss them so... :(
  • hrvatskivegas
    Everynow and again I yearn so badly that I seriuosly would slap someone for a double double with cheese from In-N-Out, or any other food guilty pleasures. Nothing ever satisfies that yearning totally but a good workout and a healthy substitute curbs the "hunger" for an appropriate amount of time.

  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    At this present time...Some Salt & Vinegar Potato chips!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    hmmmm i want one of my cupcakes!!! i haven't baked any in a while.. they're the BEST!
  • gingerbabyy
    gingerbabyy Posts: 25 Member
    Mmmm you made me want a burger from Outback.. with some bacon cheese fries... yummmm.
  • Barbie1125
    Wings.. I havent had wings in 2 months 13 days and 4 hours *drools*
  • andreacord
    Cupcakes or Cheesecake.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    white castle bacon cheeseburgers or a hardees monster burger
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    anything with cheese, I miss cheese....

    pizza, lasagna, cheeseburger...

    and bread! warm crusty bread!
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    Maybe I love to torture my self but I love to fantasize about food. Today I could kill for a thick jucy hamburger. The kind that leaves grease running down your arms as you hold it up. What do you crave?

  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    At this present time...Some Salt & Vinegar Potato chips!

  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Cheese...it's my downfall.

    And this really delicious chicken pasta dish my roommate makes - it is sooo delicious but sooo unhealthy

    Garlic Bread - I have always wished that there was a garlic bread diet. I could live on it alone

    I also tend to go on pintrest to look at all the recipes that people have posted...it's like looking at food porn

    Damn...now I'm hungry
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Right now? Poutine, mmm.
  • deejay7806
    deejay7806 Posts: 165 Member
    awwww...deffinately has 2 b...... cornish clotted cream...... n cornish pasties mmmmmmmmmm
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    A giant cupcake with lots of buttercream frosting
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I can't tell you how many times this week I've dreamt of eating cheese fries with bacon, jalepenos, and RANCH
    Oh, Hidden Valley, how I miss you so~

    Also, dry double sonic burger with cheddar peppers. I love putting the peppers on the burger and letting the hot grease fill my mouth every time I take a bite. No lettuce. No tomatoes. Just meat, bread, cheese, and cheddar peppers.

  • thor1god1of1awesome
    my wife :wink: