19 and wanting to loose 100lbs +

Hey all, started this about a week and half ago.
Would love for some of you to add me as a friend.
I'm a 19 year old female, and have been overweight since i was born! I lost weight in highschool due to depression, but put it back on and then some after a bad car accident. Suffered with depression again which this time had me putting on the kgs instead, dangit
I've tried before to get my weight under check, but i have bad motivation, but think i can do it this time, although some of you kicking me in the butt could help!
Lets do this together, you don't have to be 19 to add me =)


  • Courtney24107
    That's going to be an awesome challenge to overcome!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    You can do this! Will send you a friend request :smile:
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    You can do this- any help you need ask!

    sent you a friend request!
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    I have a lot to lose too! This site helps SO much with keeping me accountable! Keep signing on, logging what you eat, and you can DO it!! :)
  • vwhite33
    vwhite33 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! :) I was in a similar situation when I started all of this! I was 19....and wanted to lose ~130 lbs. So... long story short...I 20 now (it sounds so much older) and I'm down almost 65 pounds in just over 10 months. I'm def. here if you need support or just wanna talk!
