Ok what's with p90x??

I'm just wondering if someone could fill me in on all of this p90x stuff? I hear it on the radio and see several people have posted about it. I have an idea of what it entails but I'm just wondering from those who have used it and have either had success or not, what it's all about. My fitness goals are really just to be in shape and eat healthy. I'm not overweight, but I want to be toned and fit by the summer (which I say every year!!) I do have some problem areas....my lower stomach, my glutes, and my triceps that I would love to shape up. Is p90x something thats easy to follow for someone who has NO coordination for following workout videos? And I'm assuming you have to purchase this and all of the equipment?? I want to find something that I can do strength wise because I do plenty of cardio, but its the muscle toning that I want to work on. Can someone give me some advice/info about the program and what I need to do to do it?!? THANKS!!


  • klmccl05
    klmccl05 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm just wondering if someone could fill me in on all of this p90x stuff? I hear it on the radio and see several people have posted about it. I have an idea of what it entails but I'm just wondering from those who have used it and have either had success or not, what it's all about. My fitness goals are really just to be in shape and eat healthy. I'm not overweight, but I want to be toned and fit by the summer (which I say every year!!) I do have some problem areas....my lower stomach, my glutes, and my triceps that I would love to shape up. Is p90x something thats easy to follow for someone who has NO coordination for following workout videos? And I'm assuming you have to purchase this and all of the equipment?? I want to find something that I can do strength wise because I do plenty of cardio, but its the muscle toning that I want to work on. Can someone give me some advice/info about the program and what I need to do to do it?!? THANKS!!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    There is a nutrition plan that comes with it too, but the workouts are really easy to follow.

    it's 12 dvd's that are rotated daily (following the schedule) to cause muscle confusion so they don't become accustom to the same work out. ($120).

    The equipment you need is a pull up bar, the DVD's, and weights or resistance bands. I've been doing it for almost a month and can see results. The key to the nutrition is eating clean (which I need to improve on, but I MUST have chocolate daily!).

    Hope that answers a few more questions. You can also check out Jessmomof3's profile and see her results. AMAZING!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    This workout series is right for you. NO nonsense, No silly dance routines. This is a fitness program, meant to get you into the best shape of your life. If you commit to doing this program, which includes strength training and a very good nutrition plan, you will see great results. You will become strong and fit. But it requires a strong commitment to the program...heck, it's only 90 days. By summer, you will have reached your goal!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    P90X is the REAL deal, the TRUTH !!! If you follow the eating program and the workout dvd's you are destined for good things.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    P90X is great!!:bigsmile: I'm in my second week and just love it!:heart: However, P90X is not for those new to working out and resistance training. If that's you, you may want to consider P90, a less advanced, but no less intense!!!, version.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    klm... Welcome! I just want to echo what the other folks have posted here. P90X is a serious program, but you get serious results when you come out of the other side of it in 90 days. I'm in better shape now at almost 40 than I was at 20, and I'm only ten days into the program (I started with Power90, which April suggested below).

    If you approach this program with a determined mindset, you can definitely succeed. As hard as this program works me, I find I enjoy the challenge, and it puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day. Oh, and it's starting to make my body look wonderful... Top half is coming in nicely, thank you. :wink: You have people from all walks of life that use P90X, even NFL players, firefighters, and Sheryl Crow, and they use it because they get the serious improvements in body and performance that they're after.

    If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to talk with you here. You can also drop me an email at coachtr@live.com, and you can visit my website below to learn more and order if you decide if Power90 or P90X are the direction for you. If you do, I'll be assigned as your personal coach, and I would be thrilled to work with you on your fitness journey. If you start a program, stop in to the boards here because we have a great bunch of P90X'ers keeping one another motivated and accountable. Hope to hear from you soon... Take care!